Augur of Heaven I

Licanderoth gave Lex an understanding smile, as if he knew perfectly well that no one was going to reveal their personal strategies - especially to a stranger.

"Actually, there is another reason why I wanted to meet with you as well. Seeing as how your time within the resort is limited, I won't waste anymore of it with pleasantries. As I'm sure you know by now, the Seraphim employ a foreign policy of friendliness, or baring that, neutrality.

"We run a resort where everyone is welcome, and like to make friends rather than enemies. Yet in this universe, it is incredibly difficult to make only friends and no enemies at all. I'm sure you are already aware of our past enmities with the Angels, yet that is a conflict in the past. For a very long time, both sides have been more than content to maintain the status quo, as it were.