"You went through so much, just to make me join some anti-HOA coalition? That hardly seems worth it," said Lex skeptically.
"That may seem like it to you now, based on your current point of view. But hundreds, thousands, even millions of years later, how much impact will your joining have caused? Even if you only do one mission every century, over a long period of time the effect of joining the coalition will become substantial.
"More important than that, it will allow you to meet and work with others working against the HOA, build your reputation, and gain exposure. You see, the purpose behind having you join the coalition is not because the coalition lacks manpower. Rather, it is to allow you to gain a deeper understanding of the HOA so that when your realm rises, and you are ready or wish to make a more sizable attack against them, you will have the knowledge and tools you require."
"You are thinking really far into the future," Lex commented.