Sneasel vs Onix

About a few kilometers deep in the southern area, there is a desolate rock mountain devoid of any vegetation. It seems that there is no life here except for the jagged rocks.

However, the Pokemon world is a place full of magical events occurring on a daily basis. This seemingly unlivable area is the favorite living environment for rock-type Pokemon. These exposed rocks rich in mineral elements are the best food provided by nature for them.

But tonight, an uninvited guest broke the still silence of the rock mountain. The cat-shaped intruder accidentally trespassed into the territory of another Pokemon and injured many of its occupants.


A huge Onix raised its head and roared angrily. Its black eyes stared at the perpetrator with a cold murderous look. Meanwhile, several Geodudes lay on the ground around it with many cuts on their rocky body. These are the two iconic rock-type Pokemon in the Kanto region.

This Onix is more than 10 meters long, and its body size is about twice the size of a normal Onix. A solitary Onix that can occupy a whole mountain will never be a weak Pokemon. Currently, it is watching its enemy as it assesses the appearance of the unknown Pokemon.


The black Pokemon let out a sharp cry, stretched its arms forward, and bent its claws inward a few times as it tried to provoke its opponent.

The Onix, who was at the tipping point, broke out in a fury after seeing the Sneasel's provocation. With a loud roar, the Onix instantly smashed the ground with its tail glowing in a metallic light.

Iron Tail!


The ground shook, and the rocks were crushed into smaller pieces as a cloud of dust temporarily covered the battlefield. The Onix relied on its large size to exert terrifying destructive ability, causing a massive shock to the surroundings.


"This Sneasel is strong, but its character is very aggressive," Hisoka commented.

Currently, Hisoka and Ralts were hiding above a cliff while carefully observing the fighting below. A drone was hovering far above them as it recorded the ongoing fight.

A gust of wind blew through the area, dissipating the dust cloud gradually. Previously, the drone managed to capture the sight of Sneasel running into the dust cloud using the infrared camera. The cunning Pokemon took the momentary advantage when the dust obstructed the Onix's sight and sneaked behind its back.

The lean and strong figure jumped high as its right hand was raised at an angle. A metallic light appeared on its claw just as the Onix had done previously on its tail. And with a feral grin, it slashed the back of Onix strongly.


A metal sound echoed throughout the field, accompanied by Onix's painful roar. The slash was effective, leaving two deep gashes on its rocky back.

"Metal Claw!"

Hisoka, who was observing secretly, nodded in admiration. A Steel-type move can cause more damage to a Rock-type Pokemon like Onix.


Sneasel, who landed on the ground, let out a confident cry as it looked at the hurt Onix with a smug look. Suddenly, it nimbly jumped to the side as an Iron Tail headed toward it with a fast speed, narrowly avoiding the attack. But, before it could retaliate, a boulder nearly the same size as it suddenly appeared behind its back.

Sneasel felt the chill from her back as its body jerked momentarily. Her sharp ears had captured the movement behind it a few moments ago, but it had not enough time to avoid the boulder.

At this time, Sneasel had used all her strength to leap forward, but unfortunately, the rock still hit its right shoulder.


The sound of a bone being broken rang throughout the field.


Sneasel clenched its teeth tightly, its red eyes shed a couple of tears, and the severe pain made its whole body tremble as it held on to its broken right hand.

It is an assassin, and defense wasn't her forte. If it weren't for it to make that leap at the last moment, the large boulder would have already struck its head.

"It's amazing!"

If it weren't for fear of disturbing the two Pokemon fighting below, Hisoka would want to applaud loudly. Such an incredible battle rarely happens among wild Pokemon.


The Onix relied on its strong defense and robust body to resist the effective move of the Sneasel and successfully trick it by roaring in pain. And when the Sneasel managed to avoid the previous Iron Tail move, it didn't discover the boulder behind her, courtesy of Onix's Rock Throw.

"Well thought plan," Hisoka said.

It appears that this Onix is worthy of its name as the overlord of the southern region. Its rich combat experience made Hisoka want to capture this Pokemon as the tanker of his team. Also, its strength after evolving into Steelix is quite impressive.

Onix shook its stone head, trying to ignore the throbbing pain behind its back. The result was good. The intruder who dared to invade its territory before was kneeling in front of him weakly. All that was left was to eliminate it soon.

A hint of killing intent appeared in its eyes. It raised its large tail high up in the air, waiting for it to fall on the Sneasel.

'Everything will be over soon,' It thought.

"Ralts, save it!" Hisoka said to Ralts while clenching his fist.

After traveling all the way here through the Viridian Forest, there was no way he would let the Sneasel die just like that.

"Yes!" she nodded, and with a wave of her hand, a few steel balls flew out of his bag toward the Onix. Ralts aimed all of them at the injured and weak points of the Onix.

The crisis of life and death is imminent. The reaper's scythe had been raised high.

Suddenly, the Sneasel let out a sharp cry.


A high-pitched screech released a beam of invisible shockwaves that distorted the air, causing the Onix to flinch momentarily.

At the critical moment, Sneasel had used Screech to stagger the Onix for a moment. Taking advantage of this short moment, it ran to the Onix with its broken arm. Sneasel ran with its head raised high. No matter the outcome, it had foreseen its death with such a severe injury.

The negative effect of the screech was over, and the Onix, who had recovered from let out a furious cry. Its Iron Tail moved around from the back with strong momentum toward the charging Sneasel.

With a thrust of its leg, Sneasel suddenly disappeared. It had been moving at high speed and steadily reached the top of Onix's tail.

At this time, it concentrated all its attention and began to exert its agility fully.

Onix tried to slam its tail on the surrounding rocks frantically, trying to knock down the Sneasel hanging on it, but it was futile. Sneasel kept using Quick Attack to dodge the fierce hits in succession and finally reached the head of the Onix. Then, it jumped high, swinging its left claw at its head.


A white light appeared on Sneasel's claws.


Critical Hit!

With the sound of rock being smashed, Onix's body momentarily stiffened before it fell to the ground, causing a large amount of dust to scatter in the air as the ground shook.

Sneasel slid down from the Onix's head as she leaned its back against it and pressed its left hand tightly on its broken arm. It looks like it won't be long before the Sneasel joins the unconscious Onix on the ground.

At this time, the Geodude, who were hiding from the battle, came out of the surroundings. Their eyes were burning with anger after seeing Onix was defeated by the enemy. They might not dare to do anything to Sneasel if it was before, but right now, the Sneasel was only a few moments away from passing out due to its injury.

Suddenly, several loud thuds appeared.




The three Geodude who were about to approach the Sneasel was knocked down, temporarily losing their fighting ability.

"Stand down," Using Ralt's Teleport, Hisoka suddenly appeared in front of the Geodude with multiple steel balls hovering around him.

Looking at the three Geodude that have passed out in front of them, the other Geodude suddenly stopped for a moment. They looked at each other in the eyes, not knowing what to do. In fact, they were unwilling to let the Sneasel escape after the chaos it had caused just now.


+10 chapters on Pat(r)eon / Skye12