Sneasel Fully Healed

Days went on, and a week had passed in a blink of an eye.

6.00 am

Hisoka's Villa, Dining Room

"Hisoka, Ralts doesn't like Sneasel," Ralts stood on Hisoka's head and complained using her telepathy, "Sneasel is bad, always grabbing Ralt's berries."

At the other end of the table, Sneasel stared at Ralts on Hisoka's head with a provocative look. She then snapped her left claws as she peeled a Pecha Berry from the fruit basket and cut it into several pieces. After that, she placed them on a small plate before passing them to Hisoka.


Sneasel's action made Ralts eyes burn with anger.

Just before Hisoka could eat the berry, Ralts floating on top of Hisoka's head activated her psychic power and moved the berry away from the plate. Next, she ate all of them in front of Sneasel's eyes in triumph.


Sneasel rolled her eyes at her antics. She ignored the green-haired Pokemon and began to deal with the meat on her plate. As a carnivorous Pokemon, she prefers to have meat rather than berries, even though they are delicious. In fact, the reason why he did that before was purely to annoy Ralts. And telling it to stop hiding behind Hisoka every time they quarrel.

Hisoka couldn't help but laugh after watching the two Pokemon's action. He can clearly see that both Pokemon dislike each other. The two Pokemon always felt irritated when they stumbled upon each other.

Of course, there is a different reason for them to hate each other so much. He thinks they just hate each because both of them are female. You've heard it right. Both of them are female Pokemon. He discovered Sneasel's gender back when he was helping with her examination a few days ago. At first, he thought Sneasel was a male due to her wild fighting style that he had seen back in the forest. Who would have thought that Sneasel was a girl?


After a week of rest, coupled with the strong recovery medicine, Sneasel was fully healed the day before. It seems that the fighting in Viridian Forest managed to improve her strength by a large margin.

Sneasel felt like she was in heaven this week. It doesn't need to worry about food constantly. Every day, it can eat highly nutritious foods. From time to time, Hisoka will also add some beef and Moomoo milk to supplement her diet.

Hisoka stood in the garden, took off the bandage from Sneasel's right arm, and said, "Let's see if it is fully healed."


Sneasel nodded, walked over to a hanging sandbag, and raised her arm high. She then brought it down on the sandbag as she did a simple claw strike.


A white light flashed, and the thick sandbag was directly cut into two halves, scattering all the sand to the ground.

Seeing this, Sneasel looked back at Hisoka with an embarrassed expression on her face.

"This girl!" Hisoka shook his head and said with a smile, "Ralts, Can you clean it up for us?"


Ralts waved her hand, and with a single thought, the iron sand all over the ground slowly floated into the trash can in the far corner.

"How about it, are you willing to be my Pokemon?" Hisoka squatted in front of her and showed the Pokeball in his hand.

After hearing his words, Sneasel was stunned for a moment. She then looked toward Ralts several times as she pointed to her with her claws.

Hisoka was confused by her actions, frowned, and asked, "Ralts, what is she saying?"

"She said she can be your Pokemon. But she wants to fight with me first to show her power. So she can prove herself to be much better than me."

"Humph!" Ralts turned her head aside in anger.

Hisoka didn't know what to say. This was a conflict between the two.

'A pokemon hierarchy fight?' He thought.

"I'll look forward to your fight," he simply let them solve it among themselves.


There was an arena standing in the middle of the garden. Both Ralts and Sneasel stood in the middle of the field, waiting for Hisoka to start the battle.

"I will defeat you!"

Ralts conveyed her words to Sneasel's mind.


Sneasel snorted and raised her sharp claws as she readied herself for a fight.

Sneasel is a Pokemon with strong fitness and fighting the weaker Ralts is easy for her. And Ralts only knows Psychic-type moves now.

"Hisoka, I don't want to restrain myself anymore. I want to evolve!"

It was rare for Ralts to speak her thoughts seriously.

"It's already been two years, huh."

Hisoka sighed and said, "Alright. Let's get ready first before evolving."


(AN: I accidentally delete this chapter after writing the future chapters. That's why it is a bit short cause I have forgotten most of it.)