One Month Training

Time passed by, and in a blink of an eye, another month had passed.

Hisoka had to admit that he struck the jackpot when he saw the post about her that day. Sneasel is an outstanding talent. In just a month, she had completely mastered Ice Punch, and Swords Dance moves. Unfortunately, she's still a long way off before mastering the Night Slash move.

Usually, it's a bit easier for a Pokemon to learn a move that's the same as their own typing, but the energy required for this move is relatively high for the user. She's also currently having trouble forming the energy construct of the move.

If Sneasel can evolve to Weaville at this time, there'll be no problem for her to master this move.


"Sneasel, use Swords Dance!" Hisoka said to Sneasel, who was standing on the training ground.


Sneasel nodded her head slightly. She then crosses her claws across her chest and spins around rapidly. This was the prerequisite action before using Swords Dance. However, her body would be in a state of immobility during this phase.

In the trainer competition, this move is not practical because no trainer would let the opponent boost their attacking power so simply. And it took a certain amount of time for this move to be successfully used, which is fatal in a high-speed match-up.

It's a different story outside of the competition. Swords Dance can only show its greatest value during a team fight. With her teammates on the side to cover and assists her, she'll be able to concentrate on performing Swords Dance and raise her attack power to the limit.

After the Swords Dance ended, Sneasel's aura became a lot more focused. She then raised her claws before bringing them down on the brick wall with a 15cm thickness right in front of her.

The strike was so fast that he could only see a flash of white light passing through the wall before she took her hand back.


The wall slowly split into two halves as they fell to the ground with loud thumps.

"Ice Punch!" Hisoka ordered again.

Sneasel immediately ran toward the corner of the training ground, where a training dummy the size of an average human stood. Sneasel pulled her left hand back as it was surrounded with icy blue energy. Shen then released a straight punch right at the dummy's torso.


Sneasel left a small dent on the dummy as the ice started to slowly cover the area she had hit before. If she delivered another few more punches, Hisoka had no doubt that the whole dummy was going to be frozen solid.

Hisoka nodded in satisfaction at Sneasel's training result. He then turned to look at Kirlia, who was ready to go on the other side.

"Kirlia, Magical Leaf!" he said loudly.

Ralts tilted her head as she raised her hands upward. Ten green energy leaves slowly formed along with her hands as she stood 30 meters away from the target stands surrounding her.


Kirlia let out a small cry as she swung her hand down, firing the leaves at the target. There were multiple flashes of green and thumping sounds as the move hit their respective target.



Kirlia managed to hit the ten targets surrounding her accurately. Each one of them even managed to penetrate the dummy halfway through.

After a month of training and the running-in of the tactics, both Kirlia and Sneasel have improved their strength massively.

Kirlia has not only mastered the huge increase in her psychic power brought about by her evolution. She also reaches a high-level control in using Magical Leaf.

On the other hand, Sneasel has fully learned how to use her two key moves proficiently. Both Ice Punch and Swords Dance are ready to be used in a battle now.

Hisoka's team now has enough strength to take on a few risky but lucrative tasks. With Sneaseal as the main attacker and Kirlia assisting from the side, they'll be able to handle most of the dangers during the mission.


Viridian City is a great place to retreat from the hustle and bustle of a large city and relax. There aren't many top-class missions assigned in this city. Only in large cities such as Saffron City and Celadon City, where they are many lucrative tasks released every day.

"After 16 years, I am finally leaving this city," Hisoka sighed. He is a little reluctant to leave this place. After all, this was the city that he had been living in for almost sixteen years after his reincarnation. But, his worsening financial situation did not allow him to delay any more time. He had to leave this city as soon as possible.

In order to build up enough combat power in a short period of time, he paid a lot of expenses this month. He had invested many things in his Pokemon, whether they were Pokeblock, high-end food, training equipment, especially the Ice Punch and Swords Dance TMs, plus the treatment expenses for Sneasel's recovery a month ago. The money that he had been saving for two whole years is now almost gone. Currently, there are only 20,000 dollars left in his bank account, which is probably only enough for him and his Pokemon one month of food expenses.

For an amateur trainer, 20,000 dollars may be enough to raise six Pokemon for three months. However, it is far from enough for Hisoka.

'Being fit is 80% diet, 20% training.'

Just plain training is not enough to make a Pokemon stronger. Food is the most important thing.

Hisoka can make both Pokeblock and Pokemon food by himself. The only problem is the ingredients. Most of them were high-end and quite expensive in the market. So, he had no choice but to leave this place and look for more lucrative tasks elsewhere.


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