Cerulean City

"Good morning Miss Joy. I need a leave pass, please. Oh, and one more thing, it's a three-year pass, thank you!" Leaning at the front desk, Hisoka held the helmet in one hand and tapped his hand on the counter lightly.

"Okay, sir!" Miss Joy nodded with a smile.

"The three-year pass requires a processing fee of 3,000 dollars."

"Just swipe it," Hisoka handed over the bank card with the Pokeball pattern on it.

A thousand dollars was alright in his mind. The longest application period for the regional pass is three years. With this pass, he can get free food and lodging at the Pokemon Center. The only drawback is they do not provide the free medical care benefit, and he still has to pay the treatment fees.

Cerulean City is a coastal city in the northern part of the Kanto region. To the north of the city is the river's estuary, while Saffron City lies in the south. And Mount Moon stands in the west direction, between Pewter City and Cerulean City.

Cerulean City is also one of the only two cities in the Kanto region that are connected by roads on all sides. The other one is Saffron City. After all, as a well-known international metropolis, the road infrastructure in Saffron City is highly developed in the Kanto region.

Furthermore, Cerulean City is a medium-sized city was much larger than Viridian City. As a beautiful coastal city, Cerulean City is a tourist spot and shopping paradise. Many tourists visit this city all year round to watch and enjoy the sea view and sandy beach.

The Anne motorbike was moving at high speed on the road to Cerulean City, surrounded by forest. The cries of various Pokemon came from the forest from time to time. A flock of Pidgey led by a Pidgeotto flew across the sky, heading toward the other side of the forest.

The world has always been vast and sparsely populated. It's been almost an hour since Hisoka set off from Pewter City, and he has not seen a single car on the road yet. There was no one else except for the delivery trucks that occasionally passed by.

The surface area of this planet is about three times more than the previous earth. And each region is equivalent to a continent. When compared with the vastness of the entire world, the civilization developed by humans only takes a tiny portion of the area.

In addition, people in this world pay more attention to coexisting peacefully with nature. Wanton destruction of the environment is a severe crime stipulated by the Alliance laws. It is enough to put the offender in prison for a lifetime.


Presently, Hisoka is heading to Cerulean City because he received an interesting task last night. It was released by Cerulean Gym, the official Gym in Cerulean City. The task stated that he would have to be the temporary gym leader of Cerulean Gym with a salary of 3,000 dollars a day.

In his opinion, the 9,000 dollars reward is not too tempting for him. He is more interested in the other stuff on the reward list, the Water-type move, Surf TM.

The Surf move has a power rating of 90 on the TM website, with the market price ranging between 65,000 to 80,000 dollars. The price will fluctuate greatly depending on the region and the geographical environment of the city.

As soon as this task was released, many trainers and bounty hunters received it instantly due to the high rewards. Thus, the Cerulean Gym is planning to conduct live assessments for the applicants on the 15th, which is today.

The winner will become the actual executor of this task, but there is a single condition. During the three days period of this mission, the trainer is not allowed to lose any gym challenge. If they lose a challenge and the Cascade Badge is given to the challenger, the Gym will immediately drop their qualification and be kicked out of the Gym instantly.

Hisoka is at the lowest bronze rank on the Bounty Hunter's official website. In fact, with his mission completion rate, he can already upgrade to a silver rank hunter a long time ago. But, he still lacks an elite trainer license officially issued by the Alliance, so he has been stuck at this level for quite some time.

Therefore, he is hoping to get a recommendation from the Gym to upgrade his rank this time.

Bronze rank hunters can only accept B-rank and below missions. Meanwhile, silver rank hunters can take A-rank assignments. Only gold rank hunters above them can accept S-rank missions.


It's the official ranking of bounty hunters.

Cerulean City deserves its nickname as "The Floral Lagoon City." It is a beautiful city with flowing water and blooming flowers, surrounded by many waterways. A few docile water-type Pokemon can be seen swimming in the river, presenting a different kind of atmosphere in the city.

Cerulean Gym is one of the landmark buildings in Cerulean City. It covers an area of more than 10,000 square meters and looks like a circus tent with a Dewgong signboard at the top.

'Should I also consider catching a water-type Pokemon?' Hisoka thought while standing in front of Cerulean Gym's front gate.

After all, if there is a task that needs to be carried out in the sea or river environment in the future, then a powerful water-type Pokemon can provide a lot of help to him.