Get Feebas

"I've struck gold!" Hisoka was playing with the Pokeball in his hand happily.

He was still racking his brain on how to take the Feebas away from the Gym yesterday, but he didn't expect that it would be that easy to get the Pokemon.

When Daisy said that he could choose an unowned Water-type Pokemon at will, Hisoka's first choice was the Feebas. And things went well after that.

She was puzzled at first by Hisoka's choice.

'Why would he pick such a useless Pokemon without any combat power?' she thought.

She even tried to let Hisoka change his mind, but he was adamant about his choice. And she finally relented to his decision after failing several times.

Anyway, this Feebas was picked up by her youngest sister near the beach. So even if it was given to him, it didn't matter much to them.


"Bulbasaur, use Vine Whip!" A young voice full of enthusiasm sounded in the Cerulean Gym.

"Feebas, Splash," Hisoka said in a dull tone.

Two dark green vines come out of the sides of Bulbasaur's bulb and hit the Feebas, who was jumping out of the water. Feebas was instantly knocked out after being hit by Bulbasaur's super effective move.

"Feebas loses its ability to fight. The winner for this round is Bulbasaur!" The referee's voice suddenly rang out in the arena.


Seeing that he had won the first round, the rookie trainer who had just started his trip pumped his fist in excitement.

"So, the rumors are true. Cerulean Gym is the weakest Gym in the Kanto region. It looks like we already got our first badge, Bulbasaur!" he said to his Pokemon happily.


When it heard his master's voice, it took out its vines and waved them excitedly in the air. Both of them seemed to have completely ignored the battle due to their good start in the first round.

Hisoka recalled the fainted Feebas back into its Pokeball. After seeing the happy faces on the opposite stand, he then let out a small smile. The easy phase is over, and it's time for the real Pokemon battle. He will teach the rookie trainer not to underestimate their opponent in the future.


Sneasel appeared in a flash of red light and landed on the floating board after somersaulting in the air. After being with Hisoka for a month, Sneasel has gradually lost her wild touch as she calmly stood in the field.

Hisoka also found that Sneasel learned to follow his temperament as the day passed. Currently, both Hisoka and Sneasel crossed their arms in sync as they waited for the rookie trainer to make the first move.

Seeing there's a new opponent on the field, the excited rookie proudly said, "Bulbasaur! Let's win this match in one move!"


"Use vine whip again!" At that, it launched the dark green vines at its opponent, whooshing through the air.

"Grab it, Sneasel," Hisoka gave his own order.

Without moving a single step, Sneasel stretched her arm forward and grabbed the vines aiming for her. It's easy for her to grasp the attacking vines with her excellent dynamic vision.

The Bulbasaur tried to pull back its vines but failed to do so. Moreover, Sneasel has a lot more speed and strength than her opponent.

"Now, pull it toward you," Hisoka ordered.

Sneasel pulled the vines back with great force after hearing his order. Then, the Bulbasaur was pulled into the air as it headed toward Sneasel at a fast speed.


The Bulbasaur screamed in fright while looking toward its trainer with a desperate look. However, the young trainer was in shock. He was confused about the sudden change in the match momentum as Hisoka started the fight earnestly. Just a few minutes ago, he had won the first round with a perfect performance. But after Sneasel came, the situation on the field changed abruptly.

The Bulbasaur came to Sneasel's front as she held onto its vines, not letting it go yet. Since there was not much place for the Seed Pokemon to stand, it could only shrink into a ball in fear. At this time, Sneasel has already released her natural aura, letting the Bulbasaur feel the horror of a Dark-type Pokemon.

"Bulbasaur! Don't be afraid! Use Razor Leaf to keep it away from you." The trainer quickly ordered after coming back to his sense.

As a rookie trainer, it is not bad to be able to react in such a situation.

"Ice Punch."

It's a pity that this kind of attack doesn't work in front of Hisoka. Before the Bulbasaur was ready to make a move, a glowing blue uppercut landed right on Bulbasaur's face.


With a scream, it fell to the ground and immediately passed out.

The Gym referee immediately waved the flag and announced loudly, "Bulbasaur has lost its ability to fight. The winner is Sneasel!"

"Bulbasaur, you did great." The young trainer took a deep breath as he took his Bulbasaur back to its Pokeball. Then, he retrieved another Pokeball from his belt and threw it out.

"I'm counting on you now! Go Oddish!"

An Oddish appeared in a flash of light as it wobbly stood on the flat board. Hisoka shook his head after seeing the Pokemon stumbled on the flat board as it looked at the water around it nervously. It wasn't used to the water environment, yet this trainer still took it out.

Although Grass-type has an advantage over Water-type Pokemon, they can still drown in the water.

'Huh? Hang on a second. This kid didn't conquer a bunch of Grass-type Pokemon just to challenge Cerulean Gym, would he?' Hisoka thought.

Hisoka examined the Oddish for a few seconds before finally determining it was just captured from the wild not long ago. This situation caused Hisoka's mouth to twitch slightly. Although this method was a bit straightforward, he had to admit that it was still quite helpful. If he is not the acting Gym Leader today, the Sensational Sisters might really lose the match.

There is no suspense in this round. In the face of Hisoka's powerful strength, the rookie trainer did not have a single chance to make his move.

The Oddish was defeated just a few seconds later. At this time, Hisoka could see that the young trainer looked ready to give up this fight. But he didn't and bravely released his third Pokemon. It was still the same as what Hisoka expected, a Grass-type Pokemon, Bellsprout.


"All three Pokemon of Andy from Celadon City have lost their ability to fight. The winner is Hisoka from Cerulean Gym."

As the referee announced the final result, the challenge officially ended. And the rookie trainer named Andy dejectedly walked out of the Gym with three Pokeball in his hands.
