Hisoka vs Gary

"The battle between Gary from Pallet Town and Hisoka from Cerulean Gym will now commence. This will be a three-on-three battle. The match ends when one of you has no available Pokemon left to fight."

The referee announced the rules of the match and said, "Are you both ready?"

Hisoka nodded his head, and so did Gary, as they stood facing each other.

"Then you may choose your first Pokemon," the referee said.

"I'll win this match quickly!" Gary curled his lips in contempt.

"It'll be easy since Cerulean Gym is well-known as the weakest Gym in the Kanto region. That badge is already in my hands."

Gary took a Pokeball from his belt and lobbed it in the air.

"Come out, Squirtle!"

A well-bred Squirtle appeared in the field as it stood on top of the flat board. It looks similar to a light blue turtle with its large purplish eye and a hard brown shell. Moreover, it was a bit bigger than the average Squirtle.

As expected of the starter Pokemon that came from Oak Pokemon Research Lab, their talent is much higher than the other starters found somewhere else.

The three Starter Pokemon prepared for the new trainers in the Kanto region are Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur, respectively. Most of these Pokemon's habitats are under the direct supervision of the Alliance. It's hard to see them in the wild, and they are generally found under the ownership of Alliance trainers such as Ash and Gary. Every year the Kanto Alliance will assign a batch to various research institutes to be distributed to new trainers.

Due to the Alliance's strict control, the price of a starter Pokemon sold on the black market can fetch up to a high price. Their two-evolution stage and shorter training time made them a favorite among many trainers. In addition, they are much easier to train compared to other Pokemon. So in recent years, many poachers started to hunt for these Pokemon. Some of them even dared to break into the area controlled by the Alliance.

Based on his experience in the black market, the price of this Squirtle will not be lower than 200,000 dollars by virtue of its size alone.

'What an arrogant kid,' Hisoka shook his head at Gary's proclamation.

He then palmed a Pokeball on his belt and threw it out.

"Feebas." The Feebas appeared in the water of the arena.

It has lost 14 fights in the past three days, and it took the opponents only a single move to knock it unconscious. Unfortunately, there is nothing he could do to help it either. It doesn't have any offensive moves, plus its weak body made it unable to hold itself in a battle for a long time. There is a reason why Feebas tend to stay underwater for a long time and cluster in small areas.

"Huh?" Gary observed the unknown Pokemon in the field.

"What kind of Pokemon is this? It looks hideous. I thought it was a Magikarp for a second," he laughed.

"Feebas!" Feebas let out an angry cry.

Although Feebas has been badly beaten by its opponent during these three days, it didn't say anything strangely. But whenever someone calls it ugly, it will get mad and try its best to defeat the other party even though it was a useless endeavor.

Hisoka has never asked Kirlia to link his mind with Feebas, only observing it with an indifferent attitude. After all, there is no guarantee that Feebas can successfully evolve into Milotic.

The first round went as usual. Gary ordered his Squirtle to dive into the water. A few seconds later, a Skull Bash later directly knocked Feebas out of the pool. The current record for Feebas is 15 streak losses and 0 wins.

"What the hell!" Gary shook his head in dissatisfaction.

"I know Cerulean Gym is weak, but I never expected it to be this weak. I haven't even used a quarter of my strength!"

"Gary, Gary, he's our man. If he can't do it, no one can! Go...Gary!"

Gary's friends started cheering again after the referee had announced Feebas defeat.

"Thank you for your hard work," Hisoka carried the unconscious Feebas into his arms and stroked its swollen head slowly. Then, he took it back to his Pokeball.

"The battle has only just begun," Hisoka murmured while snapping his fingers.

Suddenly, the water in the swimming pool began to surge wildly. Then, a black shadow rushed out of the water, somersaulting in the sky several times before landing on the board steadily.

A small ripple moved away quietly from the flat board under Sneasel's feet as it fell on it, showing her excellent grasp of its own strength.

"It's another Pokemon I haven't seen before! And it looks much stronger than the last one," Gary scratched his chin. Obviously, he was still underestimating Hisoka's Pokemon. After defeating the Feebas in an instant just now, Gary became more confident, which inflamed his ego.

Many trainers have fallen into the trap laid out by Hisoka, especially the rookies. After easily defeating his first Pokemon, they usually become more confident during the next round. What they didn't realize was the emotional manipulation done by Hisoka on their subconscious. After that, Hisoka will take them by surprise by sending a strong Pokemon to the field, causing them to blank out and be unable to respond to the sudden change. Although some might say this looks despicable, a win is a win.

After fighting many rookies in the past three days, Hisoka had already figured out their usual routine. So, the next step is to let the opponents experience the true nightmare.


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