Cerulean Cape

Cerulean City, Silph Co. Branch.

"Is it finished?" Hisoka asked with a smile. He was sitting inside a spacious workshop, playing with a model of a cruise ship, when suddenly a middle-aged man entered the room.

The burly man walked toward him while carrying a small box in his hand.


When the man placed the box on the table, it made a loud sound as if there was something heavy contained inside the box.

"Hisoka, right? Yeah, it is done. It took me some time to build it according to your specifications," the man replied with a smile as he opened the box.

"There weren't any problems, I assume?" Hisoka inquired.

"No. I just had to ask the boys in the back to run around the city to look for some missing things. Luckily, the stone you provided made up for it as we don't have many of that stuff in stock. Great idea, by the way. We might sell a few of these devices in our store soon. Though, I don't think many people are going to buy them cause of their high price," the man explained while he sorted the contents inside the box.

"And here you go," the man pushed the box toward Hisoka.

Hisoka saw four sets of metal bracelets lying inside the box. Each of them was colored in silver with 10 pieces of black balls attached along the surface.

"This was made from Heavy Stone," the man took off one of the attached marble-sized balls and placed it in front of Hisoka.

(AN: This is made up. There's no Heavy Stone in the game.)

"Each of them weighs around 10kg. You can adjust the weight of the bracelet by removing the balls. I mixed them with some magnetic metals, so you can attach them easily," the man pried off one of the balls from the bracelets and attached it back under Hisoka's eyes.

The four sets of metal bracelets are the load-bearing equipment commissioned by Hisoka to the Silph Workshop. They can freely be adjusted in size and weight and can be worn by a Pokemon to train their muscle strength. Each bracelet weighs up to a total of 100kg. He can't wait to see the result of this training after his Pokemon has fully adapted to this weight.


Wide-open sea, a beautiful white sand beach, and a flock of Wingull flying freely in the endless blue sky.

Hisoka took a deep breath, enjoying the salty breeze flowing through his hair, bringing him a serene sense of peace.

He had rented a holiday villa with a private beach for a whole week in Cerulean Cape. It was located north of Cerulean City. Although there are many cheaper options, he would rather go to a less crowded area such as this place.

From a distance, a lighthouse is seen standing on top of a cliff facing the sea.

'That should be Bill's lighthouse,' Hisoka thought while rubbing his chin.

Then, Hisoka shrugged his shoulders, ignoring it. He remembered there was supposed to be a plot occurring at the lighthouse, but his memory is hazy on that. Besides, he came here to have a vacation and train his Pokemon, not to bother someone else.

After placing his bag inside the villa, he put on a pair of black shorts and went out of the house, heading toward the beach.

"Come out, guys!" Hisoka threw his Pokeball in the air. A second later, Kirlia and Sneasel appeared in front of him.

Hisoka hunched his body forward, rubbing Kirlia's soft green hair, and said with a smile, "Hey, Kirlia. Can you prepare the dinner first?"

Kirlia calmly took a step back, moving away from Hisoka's hand as he attempted to mess her tidy hair. She then glared at Sneasel, who was snickering on the side before teleporting toward the villa.


Seeing Kirlia's figure entering the house, Hisoka turned his attention to Sneasel and said, "Sneasel, I will give you special training this week. We will strive our best to make you master the Night Slash move quickly. Do you understand?"

"Sneasel!" Sneasel raised her claws and nodded her head eagerly.

He burst into laughter after seeing her enthusiastic look. After that, he patted her head with a smile, "We'll start the training tomorrow."


She pushed Hisoka's hand away with a pout and shook her head dissatisfiedly. She was eager to start the training when Hisoka suddenly ruined her mood.

"Haha, Come on then! Let's enjoy this nice weather, shall we?" Hisoka leisurely walked toward the sea as Sneasel followed behind Hisoka closely.

"Well, how is it? Did it give you any reply?"

Hisoka was standing next to Kirlia as he knocked on the glass of a small fish tank that he bought yesterday. Feebas was occupying it as it stayed at the bottom of the tank motionlessly. The only response they got was the bubbles coming out of its mouth and the random movement of its dull eyes. Kirlia has been trying to communicate with the fish Pokemon using her telepathy.

"No, I haven't got a single reply yet." Kirlia shook her head in disappointment.

Since the Feebas joined their team three days ago, Hisoka has always paid attention to its behavior. And just a few hours ago, Hisoka asked Kirlia to communicate with the Pokemon. But no matter how hard she tried, the fish-like Pokemon ignored her attempt.

This Pokemon definitely noticed them. Hisoka is sure of that. A Pokemon is a fantastic lifeform possessing great intelligence and the ability to convey emotions comparable to humans. So no matter how stupid it looks, it is impossible for it to just ignore their attempts.

'What can I do to get its attention?'

Hisoka could only think of a method, which was to call it ugly names. But he was reluctant to try it because it would seriously affect their relationship in the future.


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