
Room 904, Mid Deck,

'This kid will become a big problem,' Dwayne thought with a serious face after watching Hisoka's entire match in the morning just now.

"Meowth, Mr. Dwayne, this guy's Weavile is much more powerful than that brat's Pikachu. If we manage to catch it, Boss Giovanni will definitely be happy with us."

A peculiar-looking Meowth that was standing on its two hinds leg said something to Dwayne in a human language.

"Meowth is right! It's decided then, we will try to capture and dedicate this Weavile to Boss Giovanni."

Next to the talking Meowth, there was also a pair of a man and woman. Both of them are wearing Team Rocket's customized uniform that complemented each other quite well.

The man had shoulder-length periwinkle hair with a single fringe sprouting from the center and green eyes. He was usually seen in a white long sleeve shirt with a large red R, a black short sleeve undershirt, white pants with a purple belt, black boots, and matching gloves.

Meanwhile, the woman had magenta long hair curled in a comet-tail behind her head. In addition, she typically wore a pair of green pearl earrings complementing her blue eyes. Her uniform consisted of a short black shirt that exposes her midriff under a white high collared sleeved shirt emblazoned with a large red R, a white miniskirt, black leg-length boots, and long black arm-sleeves.

"Just you three?"

Dwayne blankly stared at the trio and sneered, "The famous rookie trio in Team Rocket wants to take this mission? If I'm not mistaken, you haven't even passed your first mission yet."

"Speaking of which, I don't know why Boss Giovanni wants to keep you three around. But remember this, If I see any of you did something that jeopardizes this mission, I will skin you alive, got it?" he warned.

"Yes!" The three saluted with their hands trembling.

"Now, get out!" he growled.

"Yes, sir Dwayne!"

The three were frightened by the scary expression on Dwayne's face and quickly left the room.

"Hey, watch where you're going!"

"Sorry!" the trio shouted.

Lisa was pushed back by the trio after they opened the front door. And when she was about to scold them for hitting her, she found they had already run far away.

"You came just in time," Dwayne beckoned to Lisa after seeing her arrival.

Then, Lisa rubbed her temples while sitting on the sofa and angrily asked, "Are those guys your subordinates?"

"No," Dwayne shook his head.

"They are a group of independent field agents that operate beyond the Team Rocket organization's reach. They only need to obey Giovanni's order."

"Really? They are that amazing?" Lisa covered her red lips in surprise.

Then, she mysteriously said, "It seems the background of the three little guys isn't so simple."

"Bah! Those guys are useless. I don't know what Boss Giovanni sees in them," Dwayne sighed.

Then, he pointed his finger toward several photos on the table and said, "You should know this person!"

"Let me see," Lisa took the photos and looked through them a few times.

"Ah, this handsome little man. Of course, I know about him. Hang on, is he a member of Team Rockets too?" she happily said.

On the table were three photos of Hisoka when he was fighting in the tournament and the photos of his two known Pokemon, Kirlia and Weavile.

Dwayne snorted and said, "Are you serious? This guy? Rather than being a Team Rocket, I think he might be an undercover agent of the League. Now, listen to me carefully. I have a new task for you."

"What is it?" Lisa leaned her back on the sofa and crossed her legs lazily.

"Don't let this kid see the sun tomorrow."

A dagger was thrown at Hisoka's photo with a thud.

"But this wasn't stated in the contract," Lisa pulled the dagger from the table and played with it skillfully.

"100,000 dollars," Mundo stated his price.

"Tsk tsk. For 100,000 dollars, I think it's better for me to sleep with Hisoka."

"300,000 dollars!"

"Not enough," Lisa threw the dagger back on the table.

Then, she stretched out her five fingers and said, "500,000 dollars, and I won't do it for a penny less."

Dwayne's became red with anger, and his face was all scrunched up after hearing her offer.

'This bitch is getting more greedy. 500,000 dollars? Fuck off!' thought Dwayne.

But after thinking about it twice, he agreed to her request. Firstly, she was the only person who had the needed set of skills at this time. And second, this woman was going to die soon anyway. Tyson already told him yesterday that they would deal with this woman after this mission. So, it wasn't as if he was spending his own funds just to kill Hisoka since it was already free at the beginning.

"No problem! 500,000 dollars it is. But you'll have to make it looks like an accident, like accidentally falling into the sea or something. I don't care what they are. As long as it looks like one, there's no problem."

"Don't worry about it. You already know my skills," Lisa gave him a small smile.

Then, she stretched out her right hand and said, "Old rule. Pay half as a deposit first."

Dwayne readily took out a black card from his pocket and said, "This is an untraceable black card that does not require any password, and the money can be transferred directly online."

"It's a pleasure to do business with you!" Lisa put away the black card with a cheeky smile.

She then turned around and walked toward the door, swaying her hips slightly.

Meanwhile, Dwayne was staring at her leaving figure with a cold smile.


After lunch, the remaining trainers will have a two-hour break to themselves. At this time, Hisoka was taking Kirlia and Weavile to the gym.

He found that there was no one in the gym after entering it. After all, everyone boarded the S.S. Anne to enjoy the holiday cruise. No one would go to the gym during their leisure time.

"Since I stopped training for two days, I feel like my body is about to rust."


A few minutes later, Hisoka and Weavile stood on the floor and stretched their body lightly.

Many of the fitness equipment inside the gym was still in brand new condition. It goes without saying that this facility wasn't really that popular with the passengers. Hisoka and Weavile turned on the two treadmills and started to run for 15 minutes to warm up their bodies.

Followed by pull-ups, push-ups, weight lifting, bench press, and the others.

All this was done while being under Kirlia's psychokinesis pressure.

An hour later, Hisoka and Weavile collapsed on the side bench, sweating and gasping for breath.

All this time, Hisoka was suppressed by Kirlia's psychic power, making it hard for him to complete his exercise successfully. And after long-term training, his physical fitness was probably on par with famous fitness instructors such as Elite Four Bruno and Cianwood City Gym Leader Chuck.

As a Dark-type Pokemon, Weavile can invalidate Psychic-type moves. But with the metal bracelets strapped on her limbs, this one hour of training still made her a little tired and sweaty. And she doesn't, particularly like being wet or sweaty. She is a feline, after all.

With an hour and a half left before the tournament resumed, Hisoka brought his Pokemon back to his room for a cold shower. After that, the three of them went to take a short nap.

The remaining trainer's strength in the afternoon matches had obviously risen by a level. Misty was the first one to be eliminated from the trio, followed by Ash, who encountered a strong opponent during the second round. It was a trainer with a Marowak.

The most surprising thing to Hisoka was Ash's following action. He actually sent a Pikachu to fight a Ground-type Marowak. Pikachu's electric-based moves were completely effective for the opponent's Marowak. It can only rely on its speed advantage to attack the opponent little by little.

Don't look at Marowak's small size, but this little thing's physical defense ability is quite good. Pikachu's Tackle and Quick Attack can't cause effective damage to it at all. Finally, Marowak caught the opportunity and used a Bone Club to knock Pikachu out of the fight.


Two sighs appeared at the same time.

Both Ash and Misty looked at each other and immediately turned their heads away.

"Idiot! How can you send out Pikachu when the opponent has a Marowak on the field," Misty said in disdain.

"Ash clenched his fist and retorted, "You're an idiot too! You also send Staryu when the opponent has Grass-type Pokemon."

"That's because I only have Water-type Pokemon!"

"Okay, stop arguing." Brock hurriedly stepped forward to stop them from making a scene.

He then said, "Let's take this loss as an experience for the two of you. As for winning the tournament? To be honest, I think it's quite hard for you to stand out among the 300 contestants with your current strength."

"You're right!"

Ash and Misty lowered their heads helplessly.

Although Brock's words were a little hurtful, it was still impossible for them to refute his remark.


Hisoka looked at his third-round opponent and couldn't help but smile, "Mr. Blaise, what a coincidence!"

"Yes, what a coincidence," the gentleman replied softly.

The usual superior expression of 'I am better than you' has disappeared from the man's face. Currently, his face looked a little sweaty, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

He had heard many people talk about Hisoka's several matches in the morning. He had even watched Hisoka's two recent matches secretly.

It was only then he realized how terrible this young man was. To be clear, he was completely terrified by his Weavile's attacking power.

Blaise was in the midst of inner conflict at the moment. To give up and forfeit from the tournament was against his upbringing as a Gentleman. On another note, this match was not an ordinary battle that he had organized privately before. There was no way for him to manipulate the result like he had done with Ash. In the end, he could only bite the bullet and try his best in this fight.

As usual, Hisoka released Weavile into the field. Even though she had already fought in two rounds, there was still no sign of fatigue on her figure. Since it usually took her less than a minute to defeat the opponent, her physical strength consumption was negligible.

Blaise palmed a blue-colored Pokeball from his belt and threw it out, "Poliwrath! Show everyone your powerful strength!"


A blue figure with a round body and thick muscular arms appeared on the field in a flash of red light. There was a black and white swirl on its belly. It also appeared to be wearing white gloves on its hands.

Poliwrath, one of the final evolution of Poliwag. It is a Water/Fighting-type Pokemon specializing in both melee and long-range combat.

The average height of Poliwrath was around 1.3 meters, and this Poliwrath owned by Blaise was a head taller than ordinary Poliwrath. It was obvious that it was well-bred and trained regularly.

"The match starts now!"

The referee on the sideline raised both flags.