Giant Pokemon

Avian Pokemon have strong wings. They can fly for a long time and at a faster speed.

And the feathers of most bird Pokemon are mostly waterproof. Besides keeping them warm, their feathers, combined with oil from their preen glands, keep them pretty watertight. So even when they are flying in rainy weather, bird Pokemon don't have to be afraid of getting wet.

With a scout, it would be more convenient for him to search for mission targets, find directions and even pick some rare herbs near dangerous areas.

Hisoka can also install a GoPro camera on the Flying-type Pokemon so that he can use it to observe the view in real-time on his computer. And even though he had a drone in his bag to explore the surroundings, a Pokemon that could fight and provide help was much better than a simple flying robot.

Only a few Pokemon in the Kanto region met Hisoka's requirements. Among them, the final evolution of Pidgey was his favorite.

It has large, powerful wings and can fly at a speed of 350 miles per hour at an altitude of one mile like an airplane.

It is said that the researchers have also found wild Pidgeot that can fly at can fly at twice the speed of sound.

Hisoka believed there might be some truth in their discoveries. Because there were a few non-legendary Pokemon that possessed strength comparable to a legendary Pokemon.

But flying at Mach 2 speed was by no means a simple thing. He was quite sure of this.

What is the concept of flying at Mach 2 speed?

That's flying at the speed of 1500 miles per hour. Unless it's a Steel-type Pokemon such as Genesect, many Bird Pokemon couldn't even support their body flying at this speed. Just the air friction alone can make Pidgeot's feathers catch on fire.

Pidgeot could only reach that speed when it needed to dive to hunt its prey.


Hisoka, who was about to fall asleep, was suddenly awakened by a tremor on the ground. But, before he could see what happened, there was a slight shaking again. After that, there was a sound of a few trees being broken coming from the southern direction of the island. It was as if something was rampaging in the middle of the island while heading toward the beach.


Weavile quickly jumped down from the tree and pointed her claw in the southern direction. She was saying something to Hisoka with a serious expression.

"Something big is coming toward this way?" Hisoka guessed.

"Weavile!" she nodded repeatedly.

Hisoka didn't know what Weavile had seen. But no matter what it was, the sheer power it showed during the slight earthquake just now was enough for him to move away from its path.

He is not a reckless person. And seeking the upper hand while avoiding disadvantages is one of the qualities a good Hunter must own.

Since this Pokemon wasn't his goal, why would he want to obstruct its way? Only a fool would do that.

He still didn't know what kind of Pokemon it was, whether it was a group of Pokemon or if it had a violent nature. And this Pokemon might have never seen a human before. It was better for him to move away from this place before determining his next move.

Hisoka quickly packed his bag and recalled the sleeping Kirlia back to her Pokeball. He then promptly hid behind a few trees several hundred meters away from the beach, followed by Weavile. A few minutes later, a giant, bipedal Pokemon with features similar to both dinosaurs and rhinoceroses appeared in their view.

This gigantic Pokemon had a silver-colored horn with several sharp spikes and projections on its head. It also was also covered in black armor-like hide that was several inches thick. He had no doubt that it could shrug off most physical attacks like nothing happened.

"Isn't that a Rhydon?"

Hisoka and Weavile hid behind a big tree while using a pair of binoculars to secretly observe the giant Pokemon from far away and avoid catching its attention.

Generally speaking, the tail length of a normal Rhydon was two-thirds of its height. The Rhydon in front of him was the same except for its larger size. Its tail was about two and a half meters tall.

Although its coloration and body shape was slightly different, it looked just like a normal Rhydon. Well, except for its size. The average height of a Rhydon was around two meters. Even in a group, the Rhydon leader's height would only hover around two and a half meters at most.

Okay, what about this Rhydon?

It's around four meters tall, towering over most of the known Rhydon in the world.

Is it only a mutation? Or is it a Totem Pokemon? Or is there something on the island that caused it to grow larger?

Several possibilities ran through his mind. It was impossible for a Rhydon to grow so big for no specific reason. Common mutation? It is possible, but he was sure there must be another reason besides that.

After thinking about it a few times, Hisoka felt that it was more likely that the Rhydon had eaten a rare herb. Many special items were often found in the wild. After finding these rare items, they were then processed using human technology, forming many kinds of unique items such as Mystic Water.

The fluid inside the Mystic Water had a high viscosity similar to honey. It was secreted by a rare type of mussels that lived at the bottom of the ocean. These strange yet popular mussels weren't considered Pokemon by many because they weren't intelligent. After being secreted, the thick fluid began to float toward the surface before being found by humans, who turned it into a necklace, which everyone knew today.

After the giant Rhydon arrived at the beach, it was immediately attracted by the food scraps left by Hisoka before. He slowly walked toward the waste bones that Hisoka had thrown a few meters away from the camp. It then picked one of them from the ground and sniffed it in curiosity.

After that, it quickly swallowed the whole bone into its mouth and did the same to the other bones.


The bone was no match for its strong teeth as it effortlessly chewed them like a piece of candy.

When it was about to take another piece of bones, it found that the scraps were already finished, causing him to roar in disappointment.

Then, the Rhydon, who was in a bad mood, raised its leg slightly and stomped on the ground while slapping its tail repeatedly.

Although the Rhydon was just venting its feelings, it felt like an earthquake was happening on the island at this very moment.

Even Hisoka, who was watching the Pokemon in fascination, almost fell to the ground due to the ground shaking.


Rhydon is an omnivorous Pokemon. It can eat anything from plants, trees, fruits, and meats. Heck, it can even eat a rock if it is extremely hungry. Its powerful stomach allowed to it digest anything that it ate.

The few pieces of bones were all finished by this giant Pokemon. After not finding any more food, it felt even more hungry. Just a few pieces of bones were not enough to sate its hunger.

Initially, it was looking out for food, not expecting to find such a delicacy during its walk.

And it was really delicious. Because the bones Hisoka used to make the vegetable soup were all high-quality beef bones of cattle.

The cattle were said to be descended from Tauros but had embarked on a different evolutionary path. Right now, they are the major livestock of human beings.

In nature, ordinary wild animals were simply defenseless against the powerful abilities of Pokemon. Therefore, the price of meat in human society has always remained high. There were only a few animals in this world that could be domesticated on a large scale.

And the common animal species that thrived in the wild nowadays mainly relied on their strong reproductive ability to maintain their population. Other animals had long disappeared from the surface of this planet. As the saying goes, 'the survival of the fittest.'

Rhydon was depressed, but its hunger kept urging him to look for food. He walked toward a tree not far from Hisoka and pushed it back and forth a few times with its thick arms. A few moments later, several coconuts fell from the tree and landed on its head. It then shrugged its shoulders and began to pick up the coconuts one by one.

Sitting down on the beach, it then swallowed the whole coconut one by one, not even bothering to crack it open. Unfortunately, the fruits barely did anything to satisfy its hunger.

It sadly rubbed its aching belly, still feeling hungry. It had just woken up after sleeping for an entire week. And it had forgotten to stock some food before its sleep, causing it to be in this trouble.

Looking at the boundless sea in front of it, a trace of fear flashed in its red eyes. As a Ground/Rock-type Pokemon, it naturally couldn't stand the water, but to find enough food, it could only overcome its fear and brave the sea ahead.

It stood and began to walk toward the sea with steady steps. The sea in front of him was its last hope. Only there he could find enough food to fill its stomach.

Hisoka moved closer toward the sea while ducking behind a tree. He was curious about what this Pokemon wanted to do. And since he didn't find the way out of the island yet, he might as well get to know his new neighbor. After all, he still didn't know anything about its weakness or strength yet.

Hisoka was also hugging Kirlia in his arms after taking her out of her Pokeball. If he was discovered by the giant Pokemon, Kirlia just needed to teleport him away. Rhydon might have powerful physical strength, but it was still no match for Kirlia's teleport speed.

If he can't beat it, just run away. Simple as that. It was useless to show his bravery if his life was on the line.

The Rhydon took a step in the water and grimaced slightly after feeling the cold pain at the bottom of its foot. Although it had done this many times, it still couldn't ignore the pain it felt due to its natural weakness to water.

Step by step, the Rhydon slowly walked into the sea under Hisoka's shocked expression. He was surprised to see that Rhydon had entered the water, only leaving its head above the water surface.

'Is it trying to kill himself?' Hisoka thought.

Rhydon with Ground and Rock typing simply abhorred water. Water was simply one of its major weaknesses. He was amazed to see that a Rhydon of all dared to enter the water without much hesitation.

"Such a magical Pokemon world," Hisoka murmured.

Today was an eye-opener for Hisoka. He had never seen something like that in his whole life.

Generally speaking, the tail length of a normal Rhydon was two-thirds of its height. The Rhydon in front of him was the same except for its larger size. Its tail was about two and a half meters tall.

Then, it raised its large, white glowing tail and slammed it down on the water surface.

Iron Tail!


Water erupted from the sea toward the sky as it splashed around the Rhydon's body, revealing the tyrannical strength contained in its body to Hisoka. It repeated its moves several times, creating big waves in the sea.

After a few minutes, it finally stopped its actions as the sea became calm once again.

Through his binoculars, Hisoka found many kinds of seafood floating dead on the water's surface, such as fish and prawns.

There were no Water-type Pokemon among them since they had already run far away after seeing the Rhydon entering the water.

Rhydon'e eyes lit up in happiness after seeing the fresh seafood around it. It quickly grabbed an ugly-looking fish and swallowed it down.

The fish was quite big, almost reaching 90 centimeters long. But Rhydon only finished it in a couple of bites.

Hisoka knew about this kind of sea fish. It was commonly known as Pacific Salmons back on earth. Although it looked unappetizing, its meat was juicy and tender. Many fishermen living in coastal areas liked to eat this kind of fish.

Also, this kind of fish is not a fast swimmer. With its delicious taste and slow movement speed, it has become the favorite food of many wild Water-type Pokemon in the ocean.

(AN: MC didn't know anything about Pokemon. You can say that he's only a Pokemon passerby fan? Yeah.)