Chansey Moves

A few minutes later, the three young men arrived at the marked location.

Then, they stopped in their tracks, staring at the newly renovated gym in shock.

"Hey, are you sure we are at the right place? This gym looks different," the green-haired man said, looking at the yellow-haired man, puzzled.

"Yes, this is it," the yellow-haired man replied after checking the poster one more time.

"Wasn't this a run-down gym before?" the green-haired man whispered.


Suddenly, the red-haired man let out a snort.

"That guy must have paid a lot of money to renovate this place. Too bad it's going to get destroyed," he laughed scornfully.

"Wait, guys. I have an idea. Try not to destroy this gym later. Also, we'll take the owner to see our boss later," he called out to his partner.

"Why?" the green-haired man asked curiously.

"So we can get this new gym. Don't you guys think this is suitable for our new official gym? Imagine the reward we'll get from Boss Kaz later," the yellow-haired man persuaded them.

Their leader, Kaz, initially wanted to buy this old building as their new gym. But since the Mayor hated these guys who had disturbed the peace of the city, he was refused straight away. Even when Kaz offered to buy at a high price of nearly 500,000 dollars, the old Chris refused to bulge.

They can only leave the Mayor's office in dismay, unable to do anything. And because the original owner gave the gym to the City Council, only the Mayor could decide what to do with it.

Although Kaz Gym always acted without regard for others, they still didn't dare to threaten the old Mayor.

Although the League didn't put a lot of importance on a small city like Dark City, the City Council was still a government branch under the League. The League only needed to dispatch a few elite officers to catch them easily.

Two Arcanine statues were placed at the front gate on both sides.

Hisoka had found these statues in the garden, and he thought it might look better if they were placed at the front as decoration.

A few hundred years ago, many people liked to place the statues of Pokemon, such as Arcanine, Dragonite, and Stoutland, in their homes to ward off evil spirits and the like.

Arcanine was a popular Pokemon in particular. It had a majestic body and a gorgeous and lush mane. Many people believed that it could bring good luck.

Arcanine also had powerful strength and loyal character. They were the favorite Pokemon among many people. But today, only the Jenny family owned them. It was quite rare to seem in the wild now.


[Dark Gym]

The words on the signboard were written in black with a white background. Generally, the name of the official gym must be the same as the city or town. This signified that Hisoka was declaring himself as the city's new Gym Leader.

Considering Hisok's status as an outsider, he purely did this to quickly spread his name throughout the city. And to lure those guys from Kaz and Yas Gym.

A few days ago, Hisoka had received important news from Ryoichi. Miss Joy from the Pokemon Inspection Agency will arrive undercover at Dark City next week.

That means Hisoka only had a week to deal with Kaz and Yas Gym before she arrived.

If the Pokemon League inspector discovered the gang wars caused by the two competing gyms, the League might cancel their plan to set up an official gym in Dark City after seeing the devastation caused to the local residents and the city.

"Alright, that's it! I'm going to beat this guy up. This guy even dared to name his gym Dark Gym."

The irritable red-haired young man said angrily.

"Calm down, man. I want to beat him up too. But we need to bring this guy back to boss later," the green-haired man attempted to placate his buddy.

"He is right. We can take it off later anyway. Let's go in and take a look," the yellow-haired man agreed.

After that, he led the two other men into the gym. While the three people were talking just now, they didn't notice a pair of eyes spying on them.

"Hey, aren't they from Kaz Gym?"

"Isn't that the three Matt brothers from Kaz Gym?"

Ran, who was hiding behind a tree, murmured under her breath. The three men from Kaz Gym were easily recognizable even from far away.

'Looks like Master Yas is right. Kaz will definitely send someone to test this new gym first,' thought Ran, trying to find a way to sneak inside the compound.

'I hope they both lose. Then, our Yas Gym can defeat these guys and become the new official gym of Dark City,' she thought hopefully.

Then, she slowly walked out of her hiding place and moved toward the back of the gym. She wanted to know about the strength of the owner of this new gym.


Hisoka was sitting in the garden, enjoying the fresh morning air. Then, he took a handful of Pokemon food from a small bag and threw them into the pond.

Suddenly, a light-brown fishlike Pokemon with blue fins jumped out of the water, catching the thrown food with her mouth.

Feebas felt happy after living in the pond these past few days. She can eat delicious food every day, and no one would laugh at her ugly appearance.


Chansey called out and stood behind Hisoka nervously. This morning, he said that he wanted to do a physical test for her. In order not to leave any bad impression on him, she came here a few minutes earlier to wait.

"Okay, don't be so nervous. Just relax," Hisoka rubbed Chansey's head with a smile.

"It's just a simple physical test. As your trainer, I must be responsible to you. I do this mainly to understand your current strength, so I can make a training plan for you, okay?"

"Chansey," she nodded happily.

Then, Hisoka



Type: Normal

Health: S

Attack: D

Physical defense: D

Special Attack: C

Special Defense: A

Speed: C

This is the current stats of Chansey. Chansey Health stat is amazing, reaching the S level. Other than that, her other stats are below average, except for her Special Defense, which is quite outstanding.

Regarding Chansey's weak combat power, Hisoka already knew about this point, and there's nothing he could do about it. He only needed Chansey to be able to protect herself in future battles, just in case.

Tanker stood in the front, blocking the enemy attack, the scout provided fire from the air, and the assassin cut through the enemy backline. Then, there was the support, which was in charge of Hisoka's protection as well as providing support for the team.

The gunner would be the main firepower of the team, and the new medic, Chansey, would guard the rear and perform treatment for the team.

Chansey has mastered five moves currently. Except for Soft-Boiled, which she has learned innately, her other moves were Heal Pulse, Heal Bell, Sing, and Light Screen.

If Soft-Boiled was a single target move, then Heal Pulse was a large area recovery move. Chansey needed to focus on mastering these two healing moves in the future. She must be good enough to use them proficiently. This was the training task that Hisoka set for her.

Heal Bell can remove the negative effects on oneself and others. Such as paralysis, poison, freeze, and sleep. It is a very good support move.

Unfortunately, it doesn't always work. If someone was bitten by a strong Arbok, for example, the move might fail due to the strong toxicity contained in Arbok's venom.

Sing worked the same as Kirlia's Hypnosis. It was a support-type move that could make the opponent fall into a deep sleep. It had no attack power at all, but it can be helpful if used well.

Light Screen, on the other hand, can reduce the damage from the enemy by creating a transparent barrier. It can only weaken special-type attacks, such as Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, and the like. It had no effect if the opponent used a physical-type attack.

The strongest healing move of the Chansey species was actually Healing Wish. Unfortunately, they could only learn this move after evolving into a Blissey because Chansey's strength wasn't strong enough to support the move. Also, they can only use it once a day.

Still, Healing Wish was powerful enough to even revive a dying Pokemon back to its full health. This was why Hisoka wanted to include Chansey in his lineup.




"Is anybody home?"

The red haired-young man shouted while knocking on the door repeatedly.

"Fuck this! I'm going to kick this door open," the man said to his friends.

"Suit yourself," the others just shrugged their shoulder in reply.

Them, the man took a step back and kicked the door as hard as he could.




The wooden door remained motionless, but the poor red-haired man held his foot, screaming in pain.


The other two men laughed, holding their stomachs.

After a few moments, the yellow-haired man took a deep breath and said, "Let's take our Pokemon out. Let's break this door."

The man thought the owner was either scared, or nobody was home. Either way, they just wanted to get inside the gym first, rather than wasting their time standing outside.




Three Pokeballs landed on the ground. A second later, two Mankey and one Primeape appeared.

The Primeape stood beside the yellow-haired man. It seemed that this guy was the leader of this group.


Kirlia was trimming the flowers that had just been planted around their home. Meanwhile, Hisoka was instructing Rhydon's training.

"Good job, Rhydon! Keep it up!" Hisoka clapped his hand loudly, encouraging his Pokemon.

He was teaching Rhydon how to use Stomp. This was mainly to let him get familiar with the move Earthquake later. Both used the same action sequence by stomping the ground. Only the effect was different.


Rhydon gritted his teeth and let out a low growl from his throat. He had a hard time mobilizing the Normal-type energy in his body. Perhaps it was due to his isolation. There was no one around to teach him all these things. He mainly relied on his brute strength and instinct, which was good. But not worth it in the long run. Many wild Pokemon had a much richer combat experience than his Rhydon.

He also had Rhydon do some stretching every morning to improve his coordination and balance. This would reduce the chance of him getting injury or strain during training later, considering his abnormal body size.

After doing a few Stomp movements, Rhydon finally slumped on the ground tiredly.


The sudden loud noise startled the three men outside the gym.

"What's that!" The green-haired asked loudly.

The leader rubbed his chin in thought and said, "Hmmm, ignore it. Let's just break the door first."

"Mankey, use Low Kick!" the angry red-haired man took the lead first, followed by the green-haired man.

"Same, Mankey! Low Kick!"

At the same time, the yellow-haired man shouted, "Cross Punch, Primeape!"



The constant banging on the door made Hisoka frown.

'These guys are looking for trouble,' Hisoka thought angrily.

"Kirlia! Rhydon! Follow me!" Hisoka called out and walked to the front gate.

"Coming!" Kirlia put the shears down on the ground and followed after Hisoka.


The three of them walked toward the front gate. Then, they narrowed their eyes slightly, looking at the shaking door. It appeared that someone outside was trying to break the door open. Luckily, he had changed the front gate to a much larger and thicker one.

"Kirlia, open the door," Hisoka said calmly.

After that, Kirlia waved her hand lightly. Then, the latch was automatically unlocked, pushing the door open to the sides abruptly.

The sudden opening of the door made the three Pig Monkey Pokemon unable to control their strength as they fell inside the gym.

"Well, why are you trying to break my house," Hisoka asked playfully.

The three young men were stunned as they looked at the three figures in front of them.
