Ran's Training

"Mr. Hisoka, please accept me as your student," Ran said, bowing her body.

"I can cook, do laundry, take care of the garden. I can do anything! Look, I know it must be hard for you to take care of the gym alone. But as long as you accept me, I can do all of that for you," she said seriously.

"How old are you this year?" Hisoka ignored her chatter and asked a question instead.

She scooted closer to Hisoka and said, "I am fifteen years old this year."

While saying that, she stroked Hisoka's arm gently.

"So, you're two years younger than me," Hisoka nodded stiffly.

Then, he gave her a warning look and pushed her hand away.

"I have no interest in you. You're still a kid. What about your family then? Did they allow you to join my gym?"

Instead of being annoyed after being rejected by Hisoka, she retracted her hand and smiled.

"I'm an orphan. So there's no problem with that," she showed an okay gesture.

"What you did yesterday was really amazing. I think you're the best Pokemon trainer I have seen in this city," she continued flatteringly.


Hisoka raised his hand, stopping her honeyed words. Then, he looked into her eyes and said, "I will only give you one chance to join my gym. You have a one-month internship period with no salary. I will only provide you with three meals a day and accommodation. During this time, you must follow my order carefully, or you're out! Do you understand?"

He finished loudly.

"Yes!" Ran bobbed her head.

"It's a test for me, right? Don't worry, Mr. Hisoka! I will not disappoint you," she clenched her fist in excitement.


The next day,

"Wake up!"

Hisoka's voice thundered in the room.

"Uhh, it's five o'clock in the morning. Let me sleep a little longer," Ran replied drowsily.


"What a lazy girl," Hisoka shook his head.

"Kirlia, I leave her to you. Please make that she's awake. I'll be waiting in the yard."

After saying that, Hisoka walked out of the room.

The room became quiet. Only the faint breathing of the sleeping Ran could be heard.

Kirlia rolled her eyes as she looked at the figure lying on the bed. She raised her hand and released her psychic power. Slowly, the figure was lifted into the air under her control.



Ran's pained scream rang throughout the gym.


Front yard,

Training ground,

The day dawned crisp and clear. The just-risen sun shone softly on the streets, bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activity.



Rhydon and Weavile were doing their routine morning training. Beads of sweat rolled down from their heads as they slowly went through each move they had mastered, albeit on a much weaker scale. This was mainly done for them to get familiar with the moves.

Suddenly, Hisoka heard someone's footsteps running toward him. He turned around and looked at his watch, frowning.

"You're fifteen minutes late. Have you forgotten what I said to you yesterday?" he said coldly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hisoka!" Ran replied quietly, fidgeting with her fingers.

Then, she took a deep breath and walked toward Hisoka.

"I couldn't sleep last night because I was too excited. I promise I won't do it again," she tried to explain.

But Hisoka was having none of it.

"Whatever, you are still late. This is your last chance," Hisoka replied without even looking at her.

Then, he pointed his hand toward Weavile and Rhydon.

"Stand over there!" he shouted.

"Yes!" Ran replied loudly.

She quickly walked to where Hisoka had pointed and stood next to the Pokemon. She took a deep breath to calm herself down.

Then, she took a peek at the small cat-like Pokemon next to her. She still remembered yesterday's battle where this Pokemon brought down nearly half of the opponent's Pokemon. She couldn't understand how such a small Pokemon could burst out with powerful strength. It had left a deep impression in her mind.

'I also want a powerful Pokemon,' she thought enviously.


Suddenly, Hisoka shouted, catching her attention.

"Listen to me carefully. I won't repeat this again," Hisoka raised his finger and looked at her.

"You must be here at five o'clock every morning. There's no excuse. And if you don't like it, that's fine too. The door's right there. You can leave whenever you want. Do you understand?"


"I can't hear you! Do you understand!"

"Yes!" Ran shouted one more time, with her cheeks flushing red. Her voice turned hoarse.

Hisoka studied in a military academy in his previous life. So he was kinda used to this lifestyle, where he would train every morning and followed a relatively tight schedule. He wasn't sure if Ran was up to the task.

'Well, let's see,' he thought.

"Alright, now that's over with. Let me introduce you to my Pokemon," Hisoka clapped his hands.

"This is Rhydon. Yes, that Rhydon. He's just a bigger Rhydon," Hisoka patted Rhydon's back.

Then, he pointed his hand at Weavile and said. "And that is Weavile."

"Hello, Rhydon, Weavile. It's nice to meet you guys! You guys look so strong." Ran greeted politely, hoping to curry favor with them.



Rhydon and Weavile nodded in reply and resumed their training.

Hisoka saw through her intention and said, "These are my Pokemon. In my eyes, they are more important than you."

He looked at her with a smile.

Ran didn't reply and just kept her mouth shut. However, her red cheeks showed that she was quite embarrassed.

"Are you done, guys?" Hisoka looked at his Pokemon.


Weavile and Rhydon replied in unison.

"Good," Hisoka nodded.

Then, he turned toward Ran and said, "Every morning, we will run around the gym for twenty laps. Breakfast will be ready by seven o'clock. Try to keep up."

After saying that, he quickly ran out of the gym.

Rhydon soon followed after Hisoka with heavy steps. Weavile put on her training equipment and ran toward the front gate, jogging together with them.


"Wait for me!"

Ran shouted anxiously as he started to chase after them.

Meanwhile, Chansey and Kirlia stayed behind to watch the gym. They didn't need to do this kind of training.

After watching Hisoka and the others leave, Kirlia turned around and walked toward the kitchen. She was going to prepare the breakfast for them later.


Chansey swayed around and hurriedly followed after Kirlia. She recently fell in love with cooking. She had pestered Kirlia all day long to teach her how to cook for one egg per day.

The egg laid in her pouch was not only delicious but also nutritious. It can be mixed with nearly anything. In fact, it can be eaten raw. It is a high-class cooking ingredient, and people just love it basically.

After Hisoka got his Chansey, he not only got a team medic, but he could also enjoy Chansey's egg every day.


"Ha! Ha! I can't do it anymore!"

Ran's shirt was completely soaked. She no longer had any strength in her body to run. Luckily, it was her last lap. At this time, her stomach was already growling with hunger.

Even so, she still needed to finish her final lap before seven o'clock, or there would be no breakfast for her.

'Come on, girl. You can do it!' Ran thought, summoning the last bit of her strength to run.

Although the people of this world had much better fitness, it was still hard for a fifteen years old girl to run twenty laps around the gym.

Hisoka and Weavile had finished the laps much earlier. Although Rhydon had a huge body, he could still complete them with his immense stamina. Twenty laps were easy for him.


Hisoka was having an omelet made from Chansey's egg. It was mixed with cheese, tomatoes, mushrooms, bell peppers, and fresh herbs. The smell was heavenly.

When he cut into the egg, the yolk came out. He could smell a hint of honey in the egg. Besides that, he also had a cinnamon roll with a glass of Moomoo Milk on the side.

All in all, he was very satisfied with today's breakfast.

Rhydon's main food would be the Nutrition Pokeblock that Hisoka had modified to suit his taste. He would only need about ten Pokeblocks to fill his stomach. Kirlia also fried a few steaks for him, just so he could taste them. Anyone would be tired of eating the same food every day.

Meanwhile, Weavile's breakfast was a mix of Hisoka and Rhydon. She had a large plate of steak, a glass of Moomoo Milk, and some Pokeblocks specialized for her.

Food is an important part of a balanced diet. By this, an aspiring Pokemon trainer should take care of their Pokemon's diet. Blindly training would not do much at all. Slowly and steady is the key.


"I'm back," Ran called out feebly.

Ran was barely standing at the door. Her shirt was completely wet, and her hair was scattered behind her back. She can't be bothered by her current appearance, anyway.

As soon as she took a step into the house, she couldn't hold it any longer. With a thud, she slumped on the floor, panting tiredly.



As soon as he arrived at the pavilion, Lando couldn't hold on any longer, and with a thud, he lay down on the cold map, humming comfortably.

Hisoka looked at his watch and smiled.

"Congratulations. You're just in time. Kirlia, prepare her breakfast," Hisoka nodded.

Kirlia twitched her eyes as she stared at the wet floor due to Ran's wet shirt.

'I just cleaned this place with Chansey,' she thought with a humph.

"This is so good. What kind of egg is this? I had never tasted such a delicious omelet."

Ran held a pair of chopsticks, putting the omelet into her mouth one by one.

"Stop talking with your mouth full and just finish your food," Hisoka facepalmed.



After breakfast, there will be one hour break. The real training would start around eight o'clock.

Hisoka was a person who adhered to routines. He would always follow the schedule that he planned. At the same time, he also paid extra attention to work and rest.

Like people, Pokemon can also feel tired after long-term training. They need to take time to relax and rest occasionally.

Ran took advantage of the one-hour break to take a nice cool shower. Then, she changed into a white tracksuit and black pants. After tying her hair, she went out of her room.

She was walking around the school field curiously, watching the large training equipment in amazement. Hisoka's Rhydon was too big, so he needed to buy the custom-made training equipment.

Silph Co. undertook this kind of order in this regard. Hisoka had placed many orders with them. So they knew what kind of training equipment he needed the most.

In the past, because there was no suitable place, Hisoka was not willing to spend a lot of money to buy good training equipment. However, now that he has this large gym as his base, he can finally make good use of the facilities in this area.

"Do you have your own Pokemon?" Hisoka asked curiously.

He was just about to start training when he saw her walking around the training ground.

"Yes, I have two Pokemon," Ran walked to Hisoka with a smile.

Then, she took two old-looking Pokeball from her belt. Even the red color was already faded. Most likely, she bought them from someone else.

This was the most common Pokeball in the market, around 1000 dollars. The average monthly salary of an ordinary clerk was about 5000 dollars. This meant that someone needed to pay nearly one-fifth of their salary to be able to afford a Pokeball.

For example, Hisoka usually used an Ultra Ball for his Pokemon. It cost around 15,000 dollars, nearly fifteen times of an ordinary Pokeball. Needless to say, the quality was higher. The space inside an Ultra Ball was much bigger, making it more comfortable for Pokemon to live in.
