Meeting Professor Oak

Sitting next to Erika was a woman in a red and black dress that hugged her slim body. She had long black hair with shorter layers around her face and a fringe, and small purple eyes.

She seemed to possess a serious and unwelcoming personality by the cold and calculating expression on her face.

'Sabrina? Isn't she the gym leader of Saffron City?' Hisoka thought in surprise.

He never expected to meet two gym leaders here in this shop.

Sabrina was well-known in Kanto as " The Master of Psychic Pokemon." She was also one of the few people who possessed psychic abilities.

Sabrina, in particular, was endowed with strong psychic power, allowing her to communicate with her Pokemon telepathically. Unlike Hisoka, who needed to rely on Kirlia to communicate with his Pokemon, she could do it on her own. This gave her the qualification to stand on the same ground with the other strong gym leaders such as Giovanni and Blaine.


Suddenly, the door was pushed open. Then, a familiar man in a blue police uniform walked in with hurried footsteps.

"Miss Erika!"

The man took a moment to look around the store and soon found his target.

Sabrina, who was talking with Erika, frowned in displeasure after being interrupted. She glared at the man and waved her hand away.

As the man wanted to say something, a repulsive force suddenly swept the man across the room.


The man was slammed against the wall.

"Ouch! What happened," the man rubbed his aching back.

"Yo, Ryoichi. Why did you always get into trouble every time I see you?"

He suddenly heard a familiar voice.

When he looked up, he saw Hisoka holding out his hand toward him with a smile.

"Hisoka! What are you doing here!" he grasped his hands and pulled himself up.

At this time, Erika, in a green kimono, walked toward them with an apologetic smile on her face.

"I'm sorry. Sabrina didn't mean to hurt you," she bowed deeply.

She and Sabrina were childhood friends. Every month, they would meet together and have some fun. Although Sabrina had a cold personality, she was still her cherished friend.

Ryoichi turned to Sabrina and was met with her cold-eyed stare.


"I'm sorry for disturbing you, Miss Sabrina," he said hesitatingly.

He was shaking in his boot at this moment. Of course, he knew the legendary Sabrina. She was simply a human-shaped Pokemon.


Sabrina crossed her arms and turned her head to the side.


"Mr. Ryoichi, why do you want to such me in such a hurried manner? Is there anything important?"

Erika motioned the other employees to return back to their work.

"Yeah! Let's find a place to talk," Ryoichi replied seriously.

"You too, Hisoka. This might be of concern to you," he turned to Hisoka.


Ryoichi sat on the sofa and took out several papers from his briefcase. He placed them on the table and said, "Have you heard about the living prehistoric Pokemon found in Grampa Canyon?"

"I heard about it," Erika nodded.

"The League has decided to build a nature reserve in Grampa Canyon. This is the reason I'm here today. I want to talk to you about the ownership of Grampa Canyon."

"Naturally, it belonged to us. Grampa Canyon is located near the border of Celadon City," she replied, looking at him strangely.

"Well. There's a bit of a problem with that. Fuchsia City also thought the same thing," he smiled bitterly.

"Everyone knows that once the nature reserve was set up for those prehistoric Pokemon, many people would want to see them. However, since Grampa Canyon was located in the valley between Celadon City and Fuchsia City, it was really hard to determine to which city it belonged.

Previously, Grampa Canyon was simple a barren land filled with rocks. Except for the occasional find of Pokemon fossils, no one really cared about it.

But just recently, the previously believed to be extinct Pokemon had been discovered to be alive. It was an amazing discovery in many years.

Many professors were on their way to Grampa Canyon. Nothing excited them more than seeing a living prehistoric Pokemon.


"Ha! Things are getting more complicated."

Ryoichi sighed as he walked out of the shop. Initially, he wanted to convince Erika to give up the ownership of Grampa Canyon.

But he didn't expect the seemingly timid girl to be so determined. In the end, he could only give up. As the gym leader of Celadon City, Erika would naturally support her own city.

This was how the world was run. Unless there was a major incident, the League would rarely intervene in the city affairs.

Since Celadon City was more developed than Fuchsia City, the League initially wanted to boost the economy of Fuchsia City after the Grampa Canyon Nature Reserve was fully opened.

It was actually a sound idea, but it was difficult to implement. As soon as the Mayor of Celadon City heard the news, he immediately flew to Kanto League Headquarters and started to make trouble.

"Forget it. I don't want to think about this anymore. Hisoka, what are you doing here in Celadon City?" Ryoichi asked curiously.

"I'm taking Chansey here for her monthly check-ups," Hisoka replied.

"By the way, what is your old chief, Matthias doing right now?"

"He resigned from his job. Luckily, his aunt is an Elite Four. So he wasn't badly treated. The last time he told me, he was going to join the League Special Forces."

Hearing his reply, Hisoka nodded in understanding.

He had heard about the League Special Forces. It was said to be an elite unit only deployed in special operations. Their mission ranged from hunting poachers, fighting against Team Rocket, and so on.

"Let's go to Grampa Canyon first. I wanted to show you a very amazing guy. Trust me, you will be surprised. He is one of the most ferocious Pokemon I have ever seen. Prehistoric Pokemon and modern-day Pokemon are completely different from each other," Ryoichi said while getting into a car.

"Hop in then, and we'll be off," he beckoned his head to Hisoka.


Grampa Canyon. Hisoka had never been there but remembered that it was located in a large valley between Safari Zone and Cinnabar Island. In fact, Dark City was the closest to Grampa Canyon compared to other cities.


A thought suddenly popped into his mind.

He turned toward Ryoichi, who was driving on the road, and said, "Hey can I ask you a question? How about you give Grampa Canyon to Dark City?"


Ryoichi slammed on the brake suddenly. He turned to Hisoka with a shocked look.

"Are you for real? You're looking for trouble. Did you know that the mayors of Celadon City and Fuchsia City are still in the League headquarters arguing with each other? If someone hadn't stopped them, the two old men would probably start fighting already."

"I'm not joking. Dark City is closer to Grampa Canyon than the two cities. Might as well give it to us. At least, it will boost the city's economy. You really don't know how poor Dark City is."


Ryoichi didn't know how to refute Hisoka. After a few moments, he reluctantly agreed.

"Well, I'll try my best. But don't get your hopes up."


After the car had entered the gorge, the drive became a bit bumpier because of the rocky terrain. Grampa Canyon was truly a desolate place. Even the closest town was a dozen miles away.

This might be the reason why those ancient Pokemon hadn't been truly discovered until now.

There were signs on the road leading up to the canyon. This place was now under the strict control of the League.

There were many police officers standing guard along the way. If it weren't for the police car they were riding, they would not be able to enter at all.

This was set up to prevent the poachers and members of illegal organizations from trying to sneak in and steal those living ancient Pokemon. Besides that, they were many well-known professors and paleontologist in Grampa Canyon now. If something happened to these people, they would be in a lot of trouble.

Even so, they still had to pass five checkpoints before they arrived. Fortunately, Ryoichi is the person in charge and has a special pass with him.

The car finally stopped in front of a large tent. The two got out of the car and headed toward the tent.

"Professor Oak, this is unbelievable. A living prehistoric Pokemon! They have not suffered any damage except some muscle atrophy. Their cell activity is still in the optimum state..."

An old man with grey hair in a white lab coat walked out of the tent, followed by a young man. The young man had short brown hair and was excitedly talking with the old man.

"Calm down, Bill," the old man laughed.

"You will have all the time you need to study them later. Let's make sure this place was fully secure first."

Professor Samuel Oak, the creator of Pokedex, the regional professor of the Kanto region, is renowned throughout the world. Many professors had also studied under him.

"Professor Oak!" Ryoichi called.

"Oh, it's you, Ryoichi. Who's this? Your friend?"

Professor Oak looked to be an unassuming and kindly old man.

"Ah, this is my friend, Hisoka. He is the new gym leader of Dark City," he said with a smile.

"Hisoka? That name sounds familiar," Professor Oak rubbed his chin in thought.

Then, he seemed to remember something and said, "Do you know Ash?"

"Yeah, he's my friend," Hisoka replied, confused by the old man's question.

"Ah, so it's you. Thank you so much for saving Ash last time. Fortunately, you were there. His mother and I were quite worried when he heard that S.S. Anne had sunk. Thankfully he survived," Professor Oak patted his shoulder gratefully.

A month ago, Hisoka had made a call to Ash and his friend. They were quite happy to see him alive too. However, they were on their way to Saffron City at that time. They haven't had a good chance to meet since then.

"Ah, I forget. Let me introduce you guys to my aide, Bill. He is an expert in many fields and also a great inventor. The Pokemon Transfer Device was invented by him," he introduced the young man to them.

"Hello, I'm Bill. It's nice to meet you," the brown-haired man introduced himself.

"Hello!" Hisoka and Ryoichi shook his hand politely.

"Looks like everyone is having some fun, huh?"

A female voice interrupted their talk suddenly.

"Ah! Professor Ivy!"

Before they could say anything, Ryoichi was already standing next to her with a dreamy look. She wore a blue tank top and denim shorts with a lab coat hanging loosely around her shoulders.

"Who are you?" the short purple-haired woman tilted her head curiously.


Ryoichi instantly felt a knife was in his heart.

"Hello everyone! I'm Ivy from the Orange Islands!" she waved her hand toward everyone with a small smile.

"Professor Ivy, you're finally here!" Professor Oak shook her hand.

They both had been friends for many years now. In the field of Pokemon research, there were only a few female professors with high status.

"Professor Oak! They are fighting again!"

Suddenly, a man in a black security uniform came over with an anxious look.

"Calm down. Let's go there and have a look," Professor Oak said to the others.


There were several nods from them as they followed Professor Oak toward the large crystal dome just a few meters away.

"Why are they fighting this time?"

"The Aerodactyl is too violent. After it eats its own food, it tries to steal the other Pokemon food..."

While they were walking, Hisoka took the time to observe the surroundings. The nature reserve used to house the prehistoric Pokemon had already been completed nearly halfway. And because the Aerodactyl could fly, the wall had been made with a special glass.

The inside of the large dome was made according to the natural environment million years ago for them to live comfortably.

However, he knew that in the future, the Devon Corporation would shock the world with their invention. A machine capable of resurrecting an extinct Pokemon back to life from fossils.

By then, Fossil Pokemon, while still fairly rare, wouldn't be enough for the League to build such a huge nature reserve just for them.

After passing through the security gate, the first thing that caught their eye was the weird plants. Clearly, these were extinct plants from their bizarre shapes.

'They really did something here,' Hisoka thought with interest.

"Everyone, please be careful. These Pokemon are totally different from the other Pokemon. They are carnivorous and easy to be angered," Professor Oak reminded.

At the same time, Hisoka, Ryoichi, and the other security guards also released their Pokemon. There might be some Pokemon hiding around them.

More than a dozen Ariados scattered around the area. In the event of an emergency, these Pokemon could bind anything in just a few seconds.


Suddenly, a fierce roar was heard a few meters ahead of them. An Aerodactyl was standing on top of a rock, glaring. It was a Pokemon with several draconic features with saw-like fangs, a gaping mouth, and an arrow-shaped tip tail. It also has large, violet, membranous wings.

A few meters below him was an arthropod Pokemon with a skeletal build. It was mostly brown, except for its light gray chest and abdomen. Facing the Aerodactyl provocation, it rubbed its two scythes together, making a screeching sound.
