
"Kirlia, use Magical Leaf!" Hisoka decided to test the waters first.

A grass-type move couldn't really deal much damage to Muk, who had strong resistance to it. But Magical Leaf is a fast attack and easy to control. Kirlia had mastered it after using it for a long time.

She spun her body around and released multiple energy leaves at Muk.


"Minimize," Koga ordered calmly.

Before the leaves could hit, Muk suddenly shrank its body, almost flattening itself on the ground. The leaves struck empty air, missing their target.

Kirlia and Hisoka frowned slightly. They didn't expect Muk to dodge it like that. It was a bit unexpected.

Kirlia waved her hand, sending another leaf storm at the Muk. This time, she made sure the leaves would hit their target. A dozen leaves shot into the body of Muk one after another.


It let out a groan as it swallowed the leaves into its body. Its special body structure allowed it to slow down the impact of Kirlia's attack. And since it was a Grass-type attack, it didn't affect it that much.

Koga knew that it was impossible for Muk to catch up with Kirlia in terms of speed.

His opponent obviously knew that too. Kirlia was standing from a certain distance from Muk, releasing multiple long-range attacks.

Psybeam, Confusion, Magical Leaf.

Hisoka ordered Kirlia to attack Muk indiscriminately. Even if Muk had strong endurance, it couldn't stand Kirlia's repeated bombardment.

'This couldn't stand any longer. I have to find a way!' Koga thought decisively.

"Quick, Muk! Use Poison Gas!" he shouted.


Muk opened its mouth and released a thick dark green gas from its mouth at the opponent.

There weren't many Poison-type Pokemon with high attacking power. Most of them relied only on poison to deal a large amount of damage to their enemy. So unless you had a Steel-type Pokemon, who was immune to Poison-type moves, it was better to avoid their attack.

Seeing the poisonous gas coming toward Kirlia, Hisoka quickly said, "Use Safeguard, Kirlia!"

Kirlia took no haste and raised her arms forward. Blue energy flowed out of her hands turning into a spherical barrier.

The dark green smoke hit the barrier, but under the barrier protection, it did no damage to Kirlia.

Safeguard is a defensive move. It prevented the user from being affected by a status-inflicting attack.

'Damn! I'm being targeted!' Koga clenched his fist.

He finally knew what Erika felt when she battled Hisoka previously. His current opponent must have done a thorough investigation on how he fought.

"Come back, Muk!" Koga quickly retrieved his Pokemon.

Then, he buckled Muk's Pokeball on his belt and took another Pokeball.

In this final match, the rules allowed the trainers to switch Pokemon only once. This was commonplace in many Pokemon battles.

"Go, Crobat!" he threw the Pokeball out.

The Bat Pokemon appeared in a flash of light as it hovered in the air.

"Bat!" It let out a sharp cry.

"Crobat! Use Cross Poison!" Koga swung his fist.

Against a Psychic/Fairy-type Pokemon like Kirlia, it was better to use a Poison-type attack from the very start. And Crobat was undoubtedly the best one to do that. It was one of his fastest Pokemon.

Crobat flew across the arena, heading toward Kirlia. At the same time, it crossed its wings together, forming a purple X energy.


The attack was too fast. Everyone could only see a purple afterimage in the arena. By the time it was over, a huge explosion had occurred. After the dust settled down, everyone could only see Crobat lying on the ground with a confused expression on its face. Kirlia's figure was nowhere to be seen.


Koga scanned the field with his eyes. There was no way Kirlia could avoid the attack just now with Crobat's speed.

'It must have teleported away,' he thought.

A few meters away, Kirlia's figure suddenly appeared on a large rock.

'Let's get serious, Kirlia,' Hisoka connected with her through telepathy.

She nodded as she started to increase her psychic power.

"Over there!" Koga shouted, directing his Crobat to Kirlia.

After that, a purple phantom streaked across the arena once more.

Kirlia bravely stood in the face of Crobat's terrifying speed. The blue light in her eyes became brighter as faint blue energy began to spread around her.


The air made a piercing noise as Crobat shot itself toward her.

"Use Air Cutter!" Koga ordered.

In an instant, Crobat sent out four light blue energy blades toward Kirlia using its wings.


Kirlia instantly released a powerful psychic storm in front of her body.

Both attacks collided with each other, creating huge shockwaves that knocked both of them back.

Kirlia teleported again to offset the impact of the shockwaves. Meanwhile, Crobat was rocketed away by Kirlia's psychic force, heading toward a large rock. Fortunately, it managed to fly away using its smaller wings, preventing itself from being slammed into the rock.

'Quickly! Use Hypnosis!' Hisoka said to her.

This was a chance for him to win the fight instantly. It would be bad if the battle continued to drag on.

Kirlia put her hands together and released a red wave that spread toward Crobat.

After being hit by that, Crobat veered off slightly, almost hitting the wall. Its eyes were closed slightly. Apparently, Kirlia's Hypnosis was taking its effect.

"Crobat!" Koga's voice thundered in the arena.

Hearing that, Crobat woke up instantly. It narrowed its eyes angrily at Kirlia and opened its mouth, releasing high-pitched sound waves, hurting everyone's ears.

Supersonic is an attack that has strong penetration capability. Under Crobat's control, it struck Kirlia fiercely.

Kirlia slumped on the ground, closing her ear in pain. Even the rocks around her were cracked under Crobat's powerful Supersonic attack.

"Good job, Crobat," Koga smiled.


Hisoka clenched his fists tightly as she watched Kirlia's painful expression.


He took a deep breath and prepared to take Kirlia back. But before he could, Kirlia suddenly stopped him.

'No! Trust me, I can do this!' Kirlia's determined voice rang in his mind.

She forcibly endured the painful soundwaves and stood up from the ground. She raised her trembling hand and waved it toward her opponent.

A sharp stone was catapulted toward Crobat.

Unaware, it was hit by the stone hurled by Kirlia. Then, it saw another stone thrown toward it at a fast speed. In desperation, it could only stop its attack and flew away to avoid being hit.

After Crobat stopped attacking, Kirlia finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although the sound wave attack hurt her a lot just now, except for mental strain, she was uninjured still.

After avoiding the stone, Crobat was about to send another Supersonic in retaliation. But suddenly, Koga stopped it.


Koga's shout made everyone fall into silence. Everyone was confused why Koga suddenly stopped the attack just now. Clearly, he had the upper hand. Even Mayor Shane from Fuchsia City was stumped by Koga's action.

Suddenly, a white light began to emerge from Kirlia's body.

"What is happening?"

"Is it going to evolve?"

Everyone whispered in curiosity at the unexpected turn of events. Some professors in the crowd were even excited. A Pokemon evolving was one of the most exciting things to watch, especially in the midst of a battle.

"Finally, she is going to evolve!"

Hisoka smiled with a sense of accomplishment. His Pokemon was growing up.

Under the League's law, it was forbidden to attack an evolving Pokemon. Evolution was considered sacred for Pokemon.

During the evolution process, a Pokemon would fall into a temporary, weak state. A single attack at this time could injure them severely, interrupting their evolution. In some cases, that Pokemon may not be able to evolve for the rest of their lives again.

As the light died down, Kirlia's new appearance appeared in front of everyone. She now stood at 1.6 meters in height with a flowing gown around her lower part of the body. Most of her body was white, but her hair, arms, and the underside of her gown were green.

Her hair curls over her face and down the sides of its head. Behind her red eyes were short spikes resembling a masquerade mask. She also had a red, fin-like horn extended from her chest and a shorter, more rounded horn growing from the back.

Kirlia, No. Gardevoir stood in front of everyone elegantly. She had an air of nobility around her, as if she was a queen who ruled over the world. It was no wonder everyone called her a noble lady back in Hoenn.

"It's so beautiful!"

Erika clapped her hand together in admiration. As a lover of beautiful things, she couldn't help but express her heartfelt appreciation for Gardevoir's beautiful figure and noble temperament.

'Wow!' Sabrina's eyes lit up when she saw Gardervoir in her pure white dress.

'I must have a Pokemon like that in the future,' she promised silently.

She quickly made up her mind. Not only Gardevoir was beautiful. It was also her favorite Psychic-type Pokemon.


Feeling the powerful strength in her body, Gadevoir couldn't help but smile. She smiled at Hisoka and turned her attention back to Crobat.

'Let's win this match, Hisoka!' she said confidently.

Hisoka nodded, and this time, instead of using telepathy to command, he waved his hand, shouting, "Use Psychic!"

Hearing that, Koga quickly shouted, "Crobat! Use Protect!"


A purple aura erupted from her body. She focused it all into her hand and shot it toward Crobat in the air.


The purple aura quickly turned into a long javelin.


Quickly, Crobat curled its wings as it became surrounded by light green energy, forming a barrier.


The energy lance struck the barrier fiercely. At some point, it looked like it might even fail to hold. Fortunately for Crobat, the barrier held.



Koga looked ahead and saw another energy lance heading toward Crobat.

Seeing that, Koga decided to let Crobat use Protect once more. He knew that consecutive use of Protect might fail at some point, but there was nothing else he could do.

But how could Hisoka let him do that? While the lance was rushing toward Crobat, he quickly shouted to Gardevoir, "Use Imprison!"

A red aura appeared on Gardevoir's finger as she quickly wrote a mysterious rune in the air before sending it toward Crobat.

When the rune appeared above Crobat's head, the Protect that it was using for a second time suddenly failed.

At the same time, the purple energy lance struck Crobat in the air, hurling it to the ground with great force.

Gardevoir waited a few seconds for the dust to settle. Only to see Crobat pass out on the ground.
