Buneary, Rhyperior

The little guy finally broke out of its shell. Its lower body was covered with a light tan fleece, with its upper body being mainly brown.

It swayed slightly on its feet but managed to stabilize itself by putting its hands on the table. After getting used to its body, it slowly stood up.


Suddenly it screamed in joy and jumped from the table, startling everyone.

Quickly, Hisoka stepped forward and caught it in the air. After it fell into his arm, it smiled at Hisoka and raised its two hands as if it was asking for a hug, which brought a smile to his face.

(づ ◕‿◕ )づ

He slowly brought it closer to his body and hugged it gently. A newly born Pokemon was very weak, so he had to be careful not to hurt it.

"Gardevoir, can you get a towel and some hot water for me? Oh, and Chansey? Bring me a bottle of Moomoo Milk. Make sure it is warm, okay?"

Hearing his request, Gardevor took a glance at Misdreavus, who was trying to break from her grasp. She nodded at Hisoka and teleported away with Misdreavus. Meanwhile, Chansey went to the kitchen to get some food for the newly hatched Pokemon.

After that, he turned back his attention to the Pokemon in his arms to take a closer look.

'Rabit ears, yellow fleece, brown pelt, female...'

Yep. There was no doubt it was a Buneary.

"Welcome to the family, Buneary," he tickled her belly with his finger.


She giggled before she grabbed hold of his finger and stuffed it into her mouth. Hisoka had to use a little bit of force to pull his finger out. Although she was just born, her strength wasn't weak at all.


She tried to reach his finger with her paws, but Hisoka pushed them back firmly.

"No!" he admonished her.

Her eyes teared up slightly after seeing Hisoka's stern look. She looked down as her ears curled up.

Seeing that, he quickly comforted, "Don't cry. The food will come soon. Just be patient okay?"

He rubbed her head.


Thankfully, it seemed to work as she stopped crying and started to enjoy his petting.

Buneary's ears changed according to their current emotion. If they sensed danger, they would perk up their ears. They had a very keen hearing. If they were sad, they would curl up their ears. Usually, they kept one of their ears perked up and another curled up.

After being alone with her for a short time, he had almost figured out her habit. She simply treated his fingers as toys. When he moved his hand around the table, she would stagger around while chasing it.

A few minutes later, Buneary sat on his lap quietly as he gently wiped her body clean with a towel. After a Pokemon hatched from its egg, it was best to gently clean its body using a towel dipped in hot water unless it was a Water-type Pokemon.

After he finished bathing her, he took the bottle of warm Moomoo Milk that Chansey had left on the table and fed her. Since she couldn't eat solid food yet, Moomoo Milk was the only option left. Besides being tasty, it contained a high amount of nutrition, perfect for a growing Pokemon.

While she was eating, he collected some of the pieces of the eggshells she had left behind. They contained a great amount of calcium which was important for bone growth. He would turn them into a powder to mix with her food later.

A Pokemon that had just been born was quite weak because it spent a lot of energy breaking out of its shell. The baby Pokemon then would be sluggish for the first three days and spent a lot of its time sleeping to restore its strength like Gardevoir did when she was born.

But he later found out Buneary was quite different from the others. After finishing her meal, she seemed to be full of strength and refused to sleep no matter what.

She kept tossing and turning while sleeping next to him, causing him to have dark circles under his eyes when he woke up the following day.


On the vast grassy plain, a few Rattatas were roaming about.

Suddenly, the ground shook, accompanied by several loud noises. The Rattatas immediately turned their heads toward where the sound was coming from and saw a large behemoth. It was about five meters tall, and more importantly, it was coming to them.


The Rattatas immediately fled in all directions.

As the beast got closer to the plain, its appearance was finally revealed. It was a large-brownish Pokemon with two horns on its head. Rocky orange plates on its head, arms, and body covered its hide.

"Let's stop here, Rhyperior!"

Suddenly, a human jumped down from its back. It was Hisoka, our hero.

Two days had passed since Buneary was born. And boy, oh boy, what a mess she had caused. He thought that orb might have something to do with her boundless energy.

Fortunately, Gardevoir and Ran were there to help him.

Today, after putting Burneary to sleep, he took Rhydon and his other Pokemon to train outside the city. Gardevoir and Ran would stay behind at the gym to take care of Buneary.

During their training, Rhydon could no longer stop his evolution and evolved into a Rhyperior. After evolving, Rhydon, or Rhyperior now, looked more stocky than before. In other words, he looked a little too fat. The fierce feeling he got while he was a Rhydon was gone. Oh well, it would come back with time. He hoped.

Right now, he was going to test Rhyperior's current combat power.

"Weavile, Milotic."

He released his Pokemon one by one. He was going to let both of them fight against Rhyperior at the same time.

"You two will fight against him in a team," he pointed at Rhyperior, followed by their nods.

"Don't hold back. I need to see your current strength."

After leaving a few reminders, he took a few steps back and took his camcorder out.

"You can start whenever you want!" he shouted.

Weavile and Milotic began to distance themselves from Rhyperior. When they were a few meters away, Weavile gave Milotic a nudge.

"What?" Milotic said.

"You can attack first," Weavile said gruffly.

Milotic nodded and released a jet of water from her mouth at Rhypherior.

Rhyperior lifted his leg with a loud cry and stepped on the ground. Then, a large rock burst out of the ground right in front of him.

At the same time, Milotic's attack arrived. Only for it to hit the rock.

Rock Tomb could not only be used to slow the opponents. Sometimes, it could also be used for defense.

After training under Hisoka for a long time, Rhyperior had finally learned to fight with his head. If it was before, he would just ignore the attack.

Then, Rhyperior put his hands together as small chunks of gray stones came out of the holes in his hands.

"It's that Rock Wrecker?" Hisoka, who was watching the battle, immediately knew what Rhyperior was doing.

Rock Wrecker was Rhyperior's signature move. It was a move that was as powerful as a Hyper Beam. This kind of move was only used as a last resort due to its large drawback. After using this kind of attack, the user would have to restore its strength for some time. Meaning it wouldn't be able to attack, defend or even move.

In fact, these powerful moves were not very suitable for regular Pokemon battles. But they were quite useful in a double battle. A teammate could protect them while they were in a weak state.

The small chunks of stone formed into a large grey rock with a red aura around it. Rhyperior then aimed the rock at his opponents and fired it.


The powerful recoil caused Rhyperior to take a few steps back. The grey stone disappeared from his hands in an instant as it headed toward Milotic and Weavile.

With the current power contained in the stone, it didn't even need to hit the enemy head-on. The shock wave generated by it was enough to stun most Pokemon with a weak defense.


Milotic responded immediately. She opened her mouth and fired a spiral of water surrounded by steam toward the stone. But even though she did her best, she still couldn't stop the rock.

At this moment, Weavile finally took action. She kicked her leg on the ground and disappeared in an instant.

Next, she reappeared under the stone and hit the stone with all the strength she had.


She managed to change the stone's direction slightly. At the same time, Milotic quickly moved away from the stone. As the stone passed her by, she was almost pushed away by the strong wind.


With a loud deafening noise, the stone bullet finally hit the ground. Cracks quickly spread in all directions. The ground shook as if an earthquake was happening due to the impact of the stone. Finally, a deep crater appeared on the plain.

Weavile looked at her trembling hand and hid it slightly from view. After she changed the direction of the stone just now, her hand was injured.

With her speed, she could easily avoid the attack just now. But she decided to change its direction after seeing Milotic couldn't move far enough to avoid the attack.


At the end of the battle, Rhyperior was slumped on the ground, panting. Weavile was too fast for him. Not to mention being attacked by several Water-type attacks from Milotic.

There was no winner or loser in this match. Weavile kept hitting Rhyperior with many kinds of moves, but they were all resisted by his terrifying defense. Unless she used Sword Dance to buff herself, it would be difficult for her to cause serious damage to him.

She not only couldn't break through his defense, but she also had to be careful with his counterattack. As long as he managed to seize a chance, a Hammer Arm was enough to injure her seriously.


Chansey immediately rushed to Weavile. She carefully held her hand as she released a pink aura that covered her body.

Weavile suddenly felt that her hand was not hurt anymore. After healing Weavile, she immediately went on to heal Rhyperior, followed by Milotic.

"Thanks, Chansey," Hisoka said, seeing her dedication.


She nodded happily at his praise.

"Alright, guys. Let's go home!"

He shouted.


Celadon City,

"There are so many people!"

Ran whispered while walking next to Hisoka.

She had never left Dark City before. It was her first time being in such a large city.

"Are we going to stay here?" she asked Hisoka.

"Yes!" Hisoka nodded.

"We are going to stay at Celadon Hotel for a few days until the tournament is over," he added.


After putting their bags in the hotel, Hisoka took Ran to Celadon Game Corner. Although he had already registered online, he still needed to go there to get his number plate.

The Game Corner was very lively. Many people from all walks of life walked into the building in droves. There were also many executives from the League.

Entering the Gamer Corner, he saw Erika and Sabrina sitting on the second floor. They were among the top guests of today's event. Erika was not only the gym leader of Celadon City. She was also a world-renown botanist.


"The tournament would start at one o'clock in the afternoon. Lunch would also be provided to the contestants for free by the Game Corner. And this is your number plate."

A staff handed two plate numbers to them. His plate number was 489, while Ran's was 490.

"Thank you," Hisoka and Ran said politely.

After that, they left the front counter and walked toward one of the slot machines to have some fun first. Who knew? They might get lucky today.


Viridian City,

There was a large building built deep underground. It was a semi-circular building with a large red R at the top. Several people in lab coats came and left the building in a hurry.

In one of the labs inside the building, a man was watching the current progress of his experiment when suddenly, the door was automatically opened.
