Giant Bell

Professor Oak's Laboratory.

"Ash! Misty! Brock! Hisoka! You're back!"

Professor Oak looked happy as he opened the door. He then said, "I was worried about you just now. Thank god you're all safe."

"We were driven away by Bruno," Ash said frustratedly.

He really wanted to take a closer look at the two giant Pokemon. But after the League personnel arrived, the first thing they did was to close off Mount Hideaway to the public.

And as the only person who survived among the archeologist team, Eve was brought in by the League to help with the investigation.

"Let's talk inside. The League had told me about what happened, but I want to hear it from you," Professor Oak said, inviting them inside his lab.


"This is amazing!" Professor Oak said excitedly. He was looking at the photos of Gengar, and Alakazam Hisoka had taken earlier. Sadly, these were the only ones left. The rest of the videos had been confiscated by the League.

"I didn't expect that Mount Hideaway would hide such a big secret. I think the dark object you told me about just now must be the predecessor to the Pokeball we used today," he said, rubbing his chin in thought.

"Yeah, I thought the same too. The way it worked is very similar to Pokeball," Hisoka agreed.

In fact, he wanted to take the two artifacts that contained the two giant Pokemon if possible. Unfortunately, the League had already taken them away.

"Oh, I almost forgot, your Porygon problem has been solved."

Professor Oak seemed to remember something as he took a Pokeball from his pocket and pressed the middle button.

In a flash of red light, Porygon appeared, floating in mid-air. Compared to when he got it, it looked much more responsive as it looked at Hisoka in confusion.

"Professor, what happened to it before," Hisoka asked curiously.

"Your Porygon had been formatted. Since Porygon is an artificial Pokemon made completely out of programming code, it can still be formatted. You had to watch out about that in the future," Professor Oak advised.

"Thank you, Professor," Hisoka nodded gratefully.

"It's no problem. But I think you should take some time to get reacquainted with it first," Professor smiled.

"I will," Hisoka replied.


Hisoka was walking around Pallet Town with Porygon.

He had left his other Pokemon back at Professor's Oak lab while he went out for a stroll. Professor Oak was curious about the Pokemon from other regions and wanted to record some information about them.

He then recalled what Professor Oak had said just now. Professor Oak and Professor Akihabara were friends in their teens, but they gradually lost contact over the years.

Turning his head to the Porygon, he smiled and rubbed its head. Porygon didn't resist and just looked at him quietly. It had just been reloaded with a new smart chip and was still in the adaptation stage.

At first, Professor Oak was stumped by what happened to Porygon. In the end, he could only turn to his old friend, Professor Akihabara, for help. Learning that Hisoka had acquired a Porygon, Professor Akihabara sent him a new smart chip and some other things as well. It took some time, but Professor Oak finally managed to replace the smart chip in Porygon's body.

Standing up, he fished out two discs from his pocket.

"Conversion, Conversion 2. Professor Oak said that these two TMs were sent to me by Professor Akihabara. Is it because he knew I got his first Porygon?" he murmured to himself.

He knew the value of these two Technical Machines. Conversion and Conversion 2 Technical Machines were the latest research of Professor Akihabara. Unfortunately, they could only be used by Porygon.

Seeing these two TM had no practical value, the senior management of Silph Co. decided to cut off this experiment. Only a few were made.

Although these two TM were very practical, he didn't immediately load them into Porygon.

First, it was still in the process of adapting to the new smart chip. Loading these two TM might cause it to break down.

Second, he wanted to study these two Techincal Machines, whether they were working or not.

According to Professor Akihabara, Conversion would change the Porygon type to the move it used previously. While Conversion 2 would change the Porygon type to one that was resistant or immune based on the last skill used by the enemy.

As a Pokemon made out of programming code, Porygon was able to master many skills as long as he had the relevant Technical Machines. And coupled with its Analytic ability that would be able to boost the power of its attack, Porygon would make a fine substitute for Gardevoir.


Suddenly, he felt something soft nestle on his head. He looked up and found it was Misdreavus, whom he hadn't seen in the past few hours.

"Where have you been these two days? Do you know how worried I was, huh?"

He quickly grabbed her and pinched her cheeks hard.

Misdreavus: ( ` ω ´ )

She wriggled under his grasp and broke free, pouting at him angrily.

"Tell me, where have you been?" he asked with a stern tone.

Seeing Hisoka's angry look, she quickly grabbed a branch from a tree and drew something on the ground under his curious eyes.

"So what you saying is that you went to find that giant Onix?" he asked after seeing the drawing of an Onix with a criss-cross scar on its face.

"Mis!" She nodded her head repeatedly.


Before he could finish what he wanted to say, she flew away from him. She then beckoned him to follow her with her lilac-tipped hair.

There was a small forest where she was heading to. From here, he could faintly see Mount Hideaway in the distance. He didn't know why she wanted him to follow her, but he still decided to believe her. Since she came to look for him, she must have found something important.

Hisoka, Misdreavus, and Porygon were walking through a forest located behind Professor Oak's Laboratory.

There were many Pokemon living in it. Most of them belonged to the people living in Pallet Town. Some trainers who captured some Pokemon during their trip were also put here by Professor Oak. They were gentle and did not take the initiative to attack humans like some other wild Pokemon.

It was then he saw a Snorlax sleeping under a tree, snoring loudly. A few small Pokemon like Rattata, Poliwag, and Oddish were jumping on its stomach, playing. Apparently, it was unaware that some Pokemon had regarded its belly as their playground.

'This Snorlax must belong to Ash,' he thought as he walked past it.


'Why did she bring me here?' he thought, watching Misdreavus strut all the way into a narrow, secluded valley in Mount Hideaway.

He looked around and saw that there was no one from the League, so he continued to follow her.

Thankfully, the place where the Gengar and Alakazam fought was quite far from this place. It would look suspicious if he was caught entering Mount Hideaway at this moment.


After a while, they arrived in front of a cave. She then let out a loud cry toward it.


There was a deep roar from the cave. It was as if it was responding to her call just now.

He stared closely at the cave as the sound of falling rocks kept getting closer. Soon, a familiar giant Onix came out of the cave.

When the Onix saw Hisoka coming to its new home, it smiled in happiness and quickly moved to him.

He rubbed its head with a smile and said, "How are you doing?"


It let out a pleased cry in reply.

Misdreavus then flew forward and whispered something to the giant Onix. Both of them seemed to be familiar with each other.

After talking to each other, Onix nodded its head and went back into the cave.

A few moments later, it came back, carrying a large bell and a large, grey rock with its mouth and tail.

'Hey, isn't this the giant bell from the ancient temple?' he thought, recognizing it straight away.

Eve told him that the giant bell had gone missing after Onix had destroyed the temple. They had been searching for it for a long time but did not find it yet.


Onix dropped the bell in front of Hisoka, causing the ground to shake slightly. It was about his height and was made of bronze. Sadly, he didn't know much about the purpose of this bell.

Then, it put down the other item. He was pretty sure it was a Hard Stone that could boost the power of Rock-type attacks.

While Hisoka was attracted by the Hard Stone, Misdreavus was very interested in the giant bell. She flew above it and slowly disappeared into the giant bell.

He facepalmed.

"This girl," he grumbled.

This bell must have been important to the ancient Pokémopolis civilization. Otherwise, they wouldn't build a temple for it.

Eve must have already told the League about the missing giant bell. The League would not let such an important artifact go, especially after the appearance of two giant Pokemon.

'Damn! How am I going to hide this thing?' he thought hard.

This thing must not be found in his hand. The League must be looking for it everywhere right now.

Thirty minutes later, Misdreavus came out of the bell, looking happy.

"This is..."

He was shocked. There was some kind of strange markings around her face, just like the ones he saw on Gengar and Alakazam earlier. Similarly, the red necklace around her neck had turned black.

Without saying a word, he stepped forward and grabbed her.

"What the hell did you do?" he asked angrily.

Misdreavus just kept her down. Tears welled in her eyes.

He shook his head helplessly and said, "Be more careful later, alright? You are making me worried." He patted her head to comfort her.

Seeing Hisoka wasn't angry anymore, Misdreavus returned to her usual self and settled down on his head.

Anyway, what's done is done. What he had to do right now was to find a way to hide this thing.

"So Onix. Would you like to follow me?" he looked up at the giant Onix.