

Suddenly, something strange happened to the Butterfree. They seemed to be controlled by some kind of force as they approached the white figure one by one.

The white figure held up a bowl made of leaves as the Butterfree shed small drops of their stored nectar into it.

'Pheromosa? Ultra Beast? But, how?' Hisoka thought in a puzzled manner.

Ultra Beast was a Pokemon from another dimension. They couldn't be caught using the regular Pokeball. Only the Beast Ball could capture them.

The Ultra Beast in front of him was called Pheromosa, a Bug/Fighting-type Pokemon. Despite its lithe figure, it was known as one of the most dangerous Ultra Beast.

A few moments later, the bowl was full of dark golden nectar. Pheromosa waved its hand, driving the Butterfree away.

Suddenly, it raised its head toward him. Its purple eyes were staring at him with keen interest.

Then, it disappeared.

"It found us!" Gardevoir's shout rang in his mind.

"So fast!" Hisoka's eyes widened.

In a blink of an eye, the Pheromosa was already a few meters away from them.

Gardevoir stood in front of him. Her psychic power surged out as her eyes glowed with intense blue light.

"Stop! Don't come any closer, or I will attack you," Gardevoir warned.

Since it showed no sign of hostility, she decided not to attack it first. Hisoka was right behind her. With its speed, even her Teleport would be useless.

'She is very powerful, stronger than all the Pokemon I have ever seen,' she sent a message to Hisoka. She had sensed the aura released by her just now. To her horror, the unknown Pokemon was much stronger than her.

Pheromosa turned a deaf ear to her warning. She lifted her long and thin leg and stepped on the ground.


The ground cracked under her force as she rushed toward them with blinding speed.


Gardevoir instantly launched a powerful Psychic. A dazzling golden beam shot out from her hand at Pheromosa.

Seeing the beam coming toward her, Pheromosa swung her leg.


An air blade flew out and struck the beam. The terrifying slash made a harsh scream, splitting the energy beam in half.


A large explosion occurred, causing a massive shockwave. The blast was so strong that it sent her flying before she finally managed to stop herself.

A trace of shock flashed across her eyes. She couldn't believe that her strongest attack was defeated by a simple kick.

"What!" Hisoka shouted in disbelief.

If Pheromosa used any type of skills to stop Gardevoir's Psychic, he wouldn't be so surprised. He didn't expect her to be so strong.


Weavile, who had been lying in ambush, immediately pounced on Pheromosa, brandishing a purple energy sword. She raised the sword up and slashed it down on her head.

Quickly, Pheromosa slid to the left, avoiding Weavile's Night Slash. She caught her arm and knocked her down in one fell swoop. Then, she reached up and grabbed her neck, choking her.

"Stop!" Hisoka shouted in worry. "Please don't hurt her."

He pleaded with her as Weavile gasped for air, trying to break from her grasp.

Pheromosa turned toward him and stared for a second. She then loosened her hold on Weavile's neck and started walking toward him.

'Is she going to attack me?' he thought in fear. He didn't think his other Pokemon could beat her with that terrifying speed.

"I remember you."

"Huh?" he looked at her in confusion. "You can speak human language?"

Pheromosa nodded, "It's not difficult to learn your language."

Being able to speak proved that her intellect was as good as a human being.

"Can you please release Weavile? We're sorry for disturbing you. We didn't mean to attack you just now," he apologized, bowing deeply.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief after knowing that she could communicate in human language.

"Weavile?" Pheromosa brought Weavile in front of her eyes and looked at her carefully.

"So your name is Weavile. You're weak. You should be grateful that I didn't kill you just now," she said haughtily.

The very thought of Weavile dying brought him out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, Pheromosa only punished them lightly.

After that, she threw Weavile toward him. Weavile somersaulted in the air and landed next to Hisoka.

"Thank you for releasing my partner," he said gratefully. "You said you remember me? But I'm pretty sure I haven't seen you before."

It was a total lie. He had only seen her in the game.

"Do you remember when you fought against one of the two giant Pokemon? I saw you at that time," she explained.

"Giant Pokemon?" he murmured. "You mean you came from that space crack?"

He recalled that a space crack had formed during the giant Pokemon clash. At first, he thought it was just a simple wormhole. He never thought that it was connected to Ultra Space, a dangerous interdimensional spatial realm.


"This is my gift to you," Hisoka gave a small package of Mental Herbs to Pheromosa.

That was all the Mental Herbs he had left. The rest had been processed into incense for his Pokemon use.

Pheromosa didn't refuse him. The reason she approached Hisoka was for these Mental Herbs in the first place. Earlier, she had smelled a pleasant smell coming from his bag.

She picked one Mental Herb, dipped it in the Butterfree honey, and ate it.

"Would you like to try one?"

Seeing Hisoka staring at her, she handed him one.

He shook his head repeatedly. Mental Herb was very addictive for human beings.

Meanwhile, Gardevoir stood next to Hisoka, watching Pheromosa warily. Her psychic power was locked on her.

Pheromosa felt Gardevoir's eyes lingering on her. Nonetheless, she just shrugged it off and continued to eat her meal.

She had absolute confidence in her own strength. So far, she had not found any creatures that could threaten her in this world.

"Hisoka, we'd better stay away from her. I don't think I could save you if she decided to attack," Gardevoir said worriedly.

"Relax," Hisoka replied. "I don't think she will hurt us. She's alone in this world. I think it's better for us to be her friend."

He thought it would be nice if he could become friends with a strong Ultra Beast like Pheromosa.

Since Hisoka had made his decision, Gardevoir could only accept it. She wouldn't go against him unless it was a life and death situation.


Before the start of the competition, the fifty contestants were led into the venue to prepare themselves.

Hisoka followed Suzie and Daisy all the way into the venue. He then wished them good luck and went to find a seat for himself.

He glanced at his watch. There were about five minutes left before the competition started.

Watching the crowd entering the venue, he fell into deep thought.

Earlier, he told Pheromosa not to appear in front of everyone casually because of her special origin. He couldn't even imagine what Team Rocket would do if they got this information.

No matter how strong she was, she would still be defeated under many people's siege. This was the reason he told her to be careful. The existence of Pheromosa needed to be kept a secret for now.

Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, a dazzling burst of fireworks exploded as white smoke filled the stage. Then, a man in a turquoise suit, brown shoes with orange hair, and a pair of sunglasses walked into the stage.

"Hello, everyone!"

The host held the mic and said, "Welcome to the first breeder competition!"

The crowd gave a loud applause.

"Let me introduce you to the four judges of this competition," he continued.

"Nurse Joy!"

Nurse Joy walked into the stage, waving at the spectators, accompanied by cheers and applause.

"Officer Jenny!"

"Miss Luana, Kumquat Island's gym leader!"

"And finally! The pearl of Orange Islands! The Ice-Mistress Lorelei!"

A lithe and curvy woman dressed in a black, sleeveless shirt, purple mini skirt, and black high heels walked into the stage. Her brown hair was done into two pigtails and a ponytail. She also wore a pair of glasses, with her eyes being hazel-colored.

The crowd went wild after Lorelei's name was announced. This was the charm of an Elite Four. Especially if it was a beautiful woman like Lorelei. Her intellect and elegance had won the pursuit and love of countless men in Kanto, Johto, and of course, Orange Islands.

After the judges had taken their seats, the host then continued to explain the rules of this competition.

"First and foremost, a good breeder must know how to prepare Pokemon food. So for the first round of this competition, the contestants must prepare Pokemon food within 30 minutes, and your food has to pass the judge's Pokemon to head to the next round!"

"Judges? Please release your Pokemon," he looked at the judges on the side.

The first one to send out their Pokemon was Lorelei. She released her main Pokemon, Cloyster.

Luana released her Alakazam, Nurse Joy released her Chansey and Officer Jenny released her Arcanine.

After that, the curtain at the stage was pulled to the side, revealing neatly arranged shelves filled with many kinds of ingredients, such as Sitrus Berry, King's Leaf, Hearty Grains, and so on.


A 30-minute countdown appeared on the large screen. As soon as the countdown started, the contestants rushed to the stage.

Looking at the ingredients on the shelves, many people didn't know what to choose. It wasn't that difficult to make Pokemon food. Most trainers could do it.

However, the problem was the judge's Pokemon. Due to their different types, it was quite hard to make Pokemon food that would be able to satisfy them all.