Rhyperior vs Salamence

Ice Island.

"Okay, stop yelling. Can't you see we're in a bad situation right now?"

Hisoka admonished, kicking Rhyperior's butt lightly.

Rhyperior shut his mouth and rubbed the back of his head with an embarrassed smile on his face.

Hisoka then took Gardevoir and Weavile back to their Pokeball and hurriedly climbed on Rhyperior's back.

Due to the commotion made by Rhyperior just now, Sigana quickly found their hiding place. It was easy for her to spot Rhyperior with his large size.

"Is that Rhyperior? Why does it look much bigger than the ones I have seen?"

She recognized Rhyperior straight away. Instead of attacking him right away, she told her Pokemon to stop and observed him from far away.

She knew that Rhyperior was a Ground/Rock-type Pokemon, which meant that only Water and Grass-type Pokemon could deal effective damage to him.

While she was observing them, Hisoka also found Sigana and her Pokemon in the sky. He tapped Rhyperior's shoulder to get his attention and pointed toward the snow mountain just ahead of them.

"Do you see that? We need to head toward that mountain now."

Rhyperior nodded in response. He let out a cry as he strode forward. After that, Hisoka looked back toward Sigana and gave her a middle finger.

Seeing that, Sigana became angry almost immediately. Right now, she wanted to teach that guy a lesson for provoking her.

"Altaria, use Rain Dance!"

She ordered coldly.

With a loud cry, Altaria spread her cloud-like wings and twirled around in the sky. Her two blue plumes fluttered in the wind.

As white light flickered in her eyes, mysterious and majestic energy gathered around her body.

Dark clouds slowly formed in the sky, and rain started pouring down. The rain got heavy as it spread around the whole forest.

Much to her surprise, Rhyperior ignored the rain as he walked toward the mountain.

"What! Why is that Rhyperior is not afraid of water?"

She had been observing the situation below. She found that under the impact of the rain, the large Rhyperior was not affected in any way.

She took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

"What am I worried about? I still have the upper hand against him. Besides, it is hard for him to attack me in the sky."

She looked at Salamence and told him to head down and use Hydro Pump to take out Rhyperior. She then turned toward Altaria and told her to stay put and maintain the Rain Dance.

At this time, Hisoka noticed that Salamence was heading toward him.


Salamence's roar shook the sky as he locked his eyes on Rhyperior. He opened his mouth wide and formed a water sphere within his mouth. With a loud cry, he fired the Hydro Pump toward Hisoka.

"Rhyperior! Use Rock Tomb!"

Seeing that, Hisoka ordered his Pokemon to block the attack.


Rhyperior let out a cry as he stomped his leg on the ground, causing the ground to tremble slightly. Following that, a large rock broke out of the ground right in front of the incoming Hydro Pump.


The sound of water hitting the rock rang out. The rock moved slightly back from the pressure, but thankfully it didn't break.

Seeing that his Hydro Pump failed to break Rhyperior's rock shield, Salamence finally stopped his attack.

"Rhyperior, use Rock Throw!"

Hisoka countered immediately.

Rhyperior nodded with a grin. He then threw a punch at the rock in front of him, shattering it into small pieces in an instant.

Strangely enough, the rocks didn't fall to the ground. Instead, they floated in the air. With a push of his hand, the rocks flew toward the Salamence in the air.

When she saw the rocks flying toward her, she quickly ordered Salamence to fly above. Fortunately, the rocks narrowly missed them.

"Do you think this is over?"

Hisoka chuckled softly.


Rhyperior aimed both of his arms at them and fired multiple rocks from his palm.

For a time, the sound of rocks being blasted rang throughout the forest. The power of each rock being fired was no less powerful than a rocket launcher.


Sigana cursed under her breath as she clung onto Salamence while he was dodging those rocks.

Try as he might, Salamence could not dodge all of them as one of the rocks managed to hit the wounded area that was left by Weavile before.

The worsening in injury made him roar in agony. Anger started to cloud his mind as his eyes turned red.

Red energy surged out from his body and surrounded him in a cloak of red aura. At this moment, he had fallen completely silent.

"Outrage? Salamence is going to lose his mind."

After seeing Salamence's current state, she immediately jumped off his back as Altaria caught her in the air. She then told her to get away as far as she could from Salamence.

When Salamence had fallen into an Outrage state, even she could not stop it. While Salamence seemed to be doing nothing, it was the calm before the storm.

She still had the shivers when she recalled the destruction he caused during his rampage back then. Fortunately, she wasn't his target this time.

She gave Hisoka a pitiful glance.

"You have made Salamence angry. Well, I hope you can survive this. Good luck."

After that, she led Altaria away from them. She didn't dare to stay here any longer. She was afraid that Salamence would attack them if she got too close.


Salamence raised his head and let out a wrathful cry that echoed throughout the island. Quickly, numerous tiny particles of energy converged in his mouth. In just a few seconds, the energy particles merged together, forming a large sphere of a red energy ball. It was filled with extremely unstable destructive power.

With a loud roar, he opened his mouth wide and fired a powerful beam of light at them.

"Wide Guard! Rhyperior!"

Seeing the Hyper Beam coming toward them, Hisoka quickly ordered Rhyperior.

Rhyperior hurriedly put his hands together. With a surge of energy, he spread out his hand and formed a large, pink energy shield. Not only that, but he also raised a large rock in front of the shield.

The first layer of protection instantly disintegrated after the beam struck it. After that, the beam continued on to meet the energy shield and violently rippled in response.

The shield held, but Rhyperior could feel that the shield was nearing its limit. Suddenly, the beam shattered into countless white lights, along with a large explosion.

'What a powerful Hyper Beam.'

Hisoka thought, wiping the sweat off his head after seeing the cracks on the shield.

He stared a the dust cloud in front of him. This wasn't how he was expecting things to go, not in the slightest. He didn't expect that Salamence could burst out such a powerful strength. He finally knew why Dragon-type Pokemon was called the strongest.

"Let's leave, Rhyperior. Use Dig on the ground. I'm afraid Team Aqua support will arrive soon."

He said to Rhydon. After that, he released Gardevoir from her Pokeball and told her to hide his tracks.

Rhyperior faced his head down, and the horn on his head spun like a drill. Using his horn, he quickly made a large hole in the ground and entered it, followed by Hisoka and Gardevoir.

While Hisoka walked ahead, Gardevoir stopped in her tracks and blocked the hole with several rocks. Nodding in satisfaction, she turned around and chased after Hisoka.