Hisoka's Plan

Shamouti Island, Mayor's Office.

Terry, the mayor of Shamouti Island, put the phone on the table with a worried look. He knew what had happened on Fire Island. Earlier, he had used his power to stop this matter from spreading out.

Sadly, he failed. Since the police weren't going to move, the participants that were on Fire Island began to contact the police from the neighboring islands. He only had some power on Shamouti Island. Other people wouldn't care about him at all.

He was starting to regret what he had done earlier.


He cursed loudly, tugging his hair while thinking of the money Lawrence gave him.

"I have to call Lawrence now. Things are getting bigger."

He murmured to himself. He quickly picked up the phone from the table and dialed Lawrence's phone number.

"Hello, is this Mr. Lawrence?"

"Hello, Mayor Terry! Why did you call me?"

Lawrence's voice came from the other end of the phone.

He took a deep breath and said.

"Mr. Lawrence, do you have anything to do with what is happening on Fire Island? Please tell me the truth.

"I didn't do it."

Lawrence said without hesitation.

He fell silent after hearing Lawrence's reply. Even so, he could still feel that Lawrence was lying. Why would he pay him so much money just to keep the police from going to Fire Island?

"Although I didn't do it, I know who did it."

Lawrence added calmly.


He blurted out.

Lawrence, who was talking on the phone, raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Team Aqua. It is an underground force from Hoenn. You can push the problem to them. Oh, and one more thing, you can stop what you're doing now. Thank you for your help, Mayor Terry."


Lawrence ended the call.

He put his phone down with a sigh of relief. He knew that Team Aqua must have something to do with Lawrence. However, there was nothing he could do about it. Fortunately, Team Aqua made a good scapegoat for everything that happened on Fire Island. At least he wouldn't be implicated in this matter.


Ice Island.

"He is too fast. My Empoleon can't hit him at all."

A yellow-haired boy wearing a long green scarf said nervously. Even with the help of many Pokemon, none of them could bring Salamence down.


In the sky above the forest, Salamence flew around at high speed, easily dodging the Aqua Jet fired by Empoleon just now.

Occasionally, a few attacks managed to hit him. However, he shrugged them off as if it was nothing. With his powerful defense, none of the attacks could hurt him.

"Scyther! Air Slash!"

"Poliwrath! Ice Beam"

"Feraligatr! Hydro Pump!"

Salamence continued to dodge the attacks sent by the other people. In a flash, he made a sharp turn and rushed toward them, leaving an afterimage in the air.


Under everyone's eyes, Empoleon was caught by Salamence and taken to the sky. The boy looked at his Pokemon in worry. He couldn't imagine what his Pokemon would face, but he knew very well that Salamence would never show mercy.

Salamence glared at Empoleon, who was struggling to break free with his blood-red eyes, intimidating it. He then opened his mouth, revealing his sharp teeth, and used Crunch on Empoleon, causing him to scream in pain.

"Please, save my Empoleon."

On the ground, the yellow-haired boy looked at the other people around him with tears in his eyes.

The man, who owned the Feraligatr, turned his head away. He wanted to help, but the Salamance was too strong for them. There was nothing he could do.

It was the same for the other people. None of them could match the speed at which the Salamence was flying, let alone trying to save Empoleon.

The boy slumped to the ground in despair, knowing no one could save his Pokemon.

"Let's run now."

Said one of them.

"That Salamence has no time to care for us now. This is our only chance. Just leave that Empoleon."

"What did you say?"

Hearing that, the boy immediately stood up and rushed to him. He then grabbed his shirt angrily.

"That is my first Pokemon! There is no way I'm going to abandon him!"


The man shoved his hand away with a sneer.

"You can just stay here then. Why should we wait here with you?"

"You, you..."

The boy's face flushed with anger, but he knew there was nothing he could do. Most importantly, they didn't even know each other.

He kept his eyes on the ground, clenching his fists as the others ran away one by one.

Meanwhile, the trainer who owned the Feraligatr walked toward him and patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry. I will try my best to save your Pokemon."


The boy raised his head suddenly. He looked at the man with a hopeful expression.

"Yes. But don't get your hope high."

The man replied.

"Thank you, thank you..."

The boy thanked the man repeatedly with a happy voice, tears streaming down his face.

"By the way, what's your name?"


"My name is Shaq. Come on. Let's save your Pokemon."

Said the man.

"Are they going to save Empoleon?"

Hisoka was sitting next to Rhyperior. He saw what had happened earlier. Initially, he wanted to wait for some more time before taking action. However, it seemed this was a good time to ambush him.

He turned toward Rhyperior with a smile and said.

"Prepare your Rock Wrecker. We are going to take him out soon."

At this time, Empoleon was trying to endure the pain caused by Salamence's Crunch. It wrecked his brain trying to find a way to break free from his clutch. Then, it suddenly remembered its trainer, Barry, saying that Dragon-type Pokemon was weak to Ice-type attacks.

It only knew one kind of Ice-type attack, Icy Wind. It was the only attack it could think of at this moment.

Then, it turned toward Salamence and sprayed out an icy cold breath straight on his face. In such a close range, Salamence wasn't able to dodge as he flinched from the cold pain.

"Empoleon broke free! But how are we going to save him from the sky."

Barry, who had been observing from down below, tried to take Empoleon back into his Pokeball. Unfortunately, his falling speed was too fast for the Pokeball to capture him.

Shaq frowned, trying to think of a way to save Empoleon.


An idea popped up in his mind as he grabbed a Pokeball from his belt and tossed it into the air.

"Jumpluff! Use your cotton to save that Pokemon!"

A round, blue Pokemon with small, red eyes and three cotton puffs, almost as large as the body itself, appeared in the air.


Jumpluff let out a small cry as its body flew around in a circle. A moment later, a large number of small cotton puffs formed around it. With a twirl of its body, the cotton flew toward Empoleon and surrounded him.

Soon, Empoloen began to slow down his fall.


The boy, Barry, ran over and threw himself on Empoleon. He was very happy that his Pokemon was saved.


A cry filled with anger rang out. When they looked up, they saw Salamence staring at them with his malevolent eyes. Just as they were about to run away, they suddenly heard a loud bang.
