Articuno (2)

Ice Island.

Articuno flew behind Salamence and let out a sharp cry. It was warning him to stop his attack and leave the island immediately.

However, no matter how many times Articuno screeched, Salamence ignored it and continued to wreak havoc on the island.

It was after an Ice Shard hit his head that Salamence finally noticed Articuno's presence.

Seeing the hostility within Articuno's eyes, his body tensed instantly. He suddenly felt that something bad was going to happen to him.

Without much thought, he immediately released a powerful Flamethrower at Articuno.

The heat wave surged as the flames rushed to Articuno. When the Flamethrower was within arm's reach, it flapped its wings and flew upward, easily dodging the stream of fire.

It then turned to Salamence opposite it. Its cold eyes, full of anger, stared at him.

It opened its mouth and formed a bluish light energy ball. After that, it fired a blue ice beam that was so cold that even the surrounding air was frozen.

"What a powerful Ice Beam."

Meanwhile, Hisoka, who was watching them from afar, stood there with mouth agape. He had seen many Pokemon use Ice Beam, but it wasn't as powerful as the one released by Articuno.

Earlier, he and his Pokemon had come out of the hole. After finding a hidden spot, he took back his Pokemon and buried himself in the snow.

Right now, he was recording Articuno using his phone. This was a rare opportunity. He wasn't going to miss it. Legendary Pokemon rarely showed themselves in public. Besides, he could also sell the recording for tons of money.

"This Salamence is finished."

He stared at the Salamence, who was scared stiff, with a hint of pity in his eyes. He didn't think he could survive Articuno's attack, let alone defeat it.

"Altaria! Use Protect and Cotton Guard!"

Suddenly, Sigana's shout rang out.

She couldn't just sit back and watch Salamence face Articuno alone. Although Salamence had lost its sanity due to the Outrage, he was still her Pokemon. There was no way she would abandon him.

Just before the Ice Beam was about to hit Salamence, a swan-like Pokemon jumped in front of the oncoming Ice Beam. Salamence was thrown away. Meanwhile, the Ice Beam crashed into Altaria.


The blue sphere protective shield rippled violently before it was broken through. It was at this time that the cloud around her body expanded in an instant, covering her whole body.

Cotton Guard was the main defensive skill of Altaria. It was very effective against physical attack. Any physical attacks would be greatly weakened when they struck it.

However, Ice Beam was a special attack. The defensive ability of Cotton Guard against these types of attacks wasn't effective. Not to mention, it was a Grass-type skill. Facing an Ice-type attack, it couldn't do much.

Fortunately, Sigana ordered Altaria to use Protect first. The Protect took the brunt of the attack weakening it before the shield failed.

Protect truly deserved its reputation as one of the most powerful defensive skills.

Even so, Sigana also commanded Altaria to use Safeguard just in case. She was afraid that Altaria would not be able to withstand the cold from the Ice Beam. Safeguard was added as a buffer to protect against the freezing effect of the Ice Beam.

The Ice Beam hit the prepared Altaria. As the frost spread around her body, warm blue energy arose from her body. Soon, the frozen energy stopped spreading, and the Ice Beam disappeared completely.

Sigana was completely relieved when she saw that. In truth, she wasn't confident that Altaria would be able to able block Articuno's attack. Thankfully, they held through,

The cold wind died down. However, her wings had completely frozen. Her cloud, white feathers were heavy as a rock. She had lost her ability to move and could only stay in the air barely.

"Can you break out of the ice, Altaria?"

Sigana asked worriedly.

Altria was a Dragon-type Pokemon, after all. Ice was a powerful restraint on her. If she wasn't able to break out of the ice, she would have no chance to face Articuno.


Altaria let out a chirp as she closed her eyes. A strong hurricane formed around them both, and shortly afterward, she was able to break free of the ice.

Sigana sighed in relief, "Thank god. Luckily, her wings weren't completely frozen solid."

She then leaned out from behind Altaraia and looked at Articuno, who was staring at them.

"Articuno! We didn't mean to enter your territory. He was in a rage just now. Can you please stop your attack? I will take my Salamence away from this place. We won't come back here again, I promise."

To be honest, she wasn't willing to fight Articuno at all. She was only here to capture Hisoka. So even if she knew that Articuno was Team Aqua's main target, it had nothing to do with her.

Articuno frowned at her plea as it stayed in the air amidst the snow. As a Legendary Pokemon, it could understand what she was saying just now.

At this time, Sigana didn't dare to make any rash moves, and her whole body was tense. Once Articuno refused her plea, she would immediately order her Pokemon to attack.

But before Articuno was about to agree to her request, a large fireball flew toward it. It squawked in surprise and quickly flew away as the fireball burned some of his feathers.

Just a few moments ago, Salamence had just recovered from his rage. It was then he saw Articuno attacking Sigana and Alatria with Ice Beam. In return, he fired a Fire Blast at Articuno to protect his trainer.

"It's pissed off."

Sigana groaned in despair.

After Articuno dodged the Fire Blast, she could clearly see that it was angry at them. It seemed they had no choice but to face it. She prayed that she would be able to escape safely.

"Altaria! Flamethrower!"

After she said that, she immediately jumped down from Altaria. She would only be a burden if she stayed on her back.

Rock-type attacks worked best on Articuno. However, she didn't have one right now. She wasn't even sure if Rock-type Pokemon could deal with Articuno. It could fly, after all. Most Rock-type Pokemon couldn't fly.

Her second best method would be Fire-type attacks. Thankfully, both of her Pokemon had mastered some Fire-type attacks. At least there was some hope for them to defeat Articuno.


The parachute behind her opened instantly, slowing down her fall from the air. After she reached the ground, she cut off the rope with a dagger and looked at the sky.

At this time, Salamence had just been sent flying away after he missed his Dragon Tail attack. Articuno then tilted its body sideways as she dodged the Moonblast fired by Altaria.

Hisoka and the others watch in rapt attention. Many people haven't seen Legendary Pokemon, let alone seen them fight.

Articuno then rose to the clouds above Ice Island. With a piercing cry, the clouds began to darken. As its body glowed, snow started to fall from the cloud.