Self Destroy Program

Flying Palace, Lightning Island.

Hisoka went closer to the glass cases and sniffed the air.

"It smells like resin. I think that's what they used to make this kind of specimen."

"Damn! This is so cruel. I can't believe they did this."

Doran looked at the surrounding glass cases with his fists clenched. His eyes were filled with anger.

Hisoka calmed down and took out a camera from his bag to record everything they had seen in this room. With this strong evidence, Lawrence wouldn't be able to get off scot-free.

After making sure they hadn't missed anything, they continued to move forward until they reached a glass door at the end of the hallway. When they tried to open it, they found that the door was locked. It seemed they had to enter a password on the keypad next to the door.

Hisoka then asked Porygon to unlock the door for them. A few seconds later, the door opened automatically.

The three of them looked at each other before stepping into the room. Their hands were placed on their Pokeball, ready to release their Pokemon at any time.


"Captain Matt! We found the missing helicopter!"

At this time, Matt and his men had just arrived at the airship. One of the men pointed at the helicopter ahead of them.

'So someone has sneaked inside the airship, huh? But why Mr. Lawrence can't find them? The entire ship is monitored by Weis. It is impossible for it to betray him.'

Matt thought with a puzzled look. He then snapped himself out of his thoughts. He couldn't waste time here anymore. He had to see Lawrence right now.

"All team members obey my orders!"

Matt shouted in an urgent tone.

"Split into nine teams. Each team is responsible for each floor in the Flying Palance. Search every room. If you find anyone else besides us, tell me immediately. Try to keep them occupied. I'll go there as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir!"

The members of Team Aqua quickly split into nine teams and entered the elevators.


"What's the matter?"

"The elevator won't start!"

"Did you enter the wrong password?"

"Impossible! I entered the correct password, but the elevator won't move!"

"Try it again!"

"Sir, there's something wrong with the elevator! It won't start!"

"What did you say?!"

Matt roared. He then went into one of the elevators and repeated what the others had done just now. Likewise, the elevator still wouldn't move.


He banged the button panel with his fist in anger.

"Take the stairs!"

He ordered loudly.

"Yes, sir!"


"Alert! Alert! Someone has broken into the main room without authorization."

Wei's garbled voice rang throughout the room. Lawrence, who was sitting on the control chair, turned toward the door. When he saw it was Hisoka and the others, his eyes widened in surprise. He never thought someone had managed to sneak inside his airship.

"Can I ask a question first? How did you manage to sneak inside my airship?"

He stared at them inquiringly.

Instead of replying, they looked at each other and nodded in tacit agreement.

Hisoka took a step forward and said.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jill, we here to catch you for colluding with Team Aqua."

However, Lawrence remained calm despite hearing what he said just now.

"Interesting. I have another proposal instead. Why don't you forget about all of this and walk away? I can give you tons of money if you let me go."

Said Lawrence with a smile.

It would be a lie if Hisoka wasn't interested in the man's offer. However, he knew he couldn't trust what he was saying. From what he found in the man's secret record, he was planning to betray Team Aqua after they captured the legendary birds. It would be foolish for him to accept his bribe.

"Tempting, but sorry, Mr. Lawrence, we refuse. Gardevoir! Take him down!"

Lawrence was just about to get up from his chair when something suddenly flashed behind him. Then, a slender green arm pushed him back on the chair.

He was briefly stunned before he felt a strong force pressing down on his body, making him unable to move.

He broke out in cold sweat when he saw Hisoka and the others grinning at him. It seemed it was impossible for him to escape.

"Sleep well, Mr. Lawrence."

The last thing that he could remember was getting hit and losing consciousness.

"This guy is so weak."

Doran snorted in disdain.

"What should we do now?"

Will asked Hisoka.

"Let's try to find a way to land this thing first."

Hisoka replied.

After tying Lawrence up, he went to the control chair and asked Porygon to take control of the airship.


"Attention! Automatic self-destruction program begins in three minutes."

A blaring siren rang through the entire airship.

"What's going on?"

He stood up in shock.

"Weis! What is going on? Can you terminate the self-destruction program?"

"No. The self-destruction program is outside of my control."

Weis replied.


He cursed loudly.

"I should have questioned this guy first before I try anything. What a ruthless man."

He then turned to Gardevoir and asked her to wake Lawrence up.

Gardevoir didn't ask any further questions and gently put her hands on the sides of Lawrence's head.

A few seconds later, Lawrence opened his bleary eyes and looked around in a daze.

Meanwhile, Hisoka ignored him for the time being and began to dismantle the operating platform. The control device below the control chair was pulled out with Gardevoir's help. He then carefully cut the connecting lines off. Gently, he took off Weis's main drives and stuffed it into his bag along with the virtual holographic device.

"Haha, just stay here and die with me!"

At this time, Lawrence had finally come back to his senses and laughed hysterically as the red light kept flashing in the main room. He knew very well what was about to happen. Once the forced self-destruction program was initiated, it would be impossible to stop it.

Hisoka glanced at his watch. There were still two minutes left. He then looked at Will and Doran.

"Get ready to run away."

"Then what should we do with him?"

Will asked, pointing at Lawrence.

"Do you want to leave him here to fend for himself?"

Lawrence sat on the floor with his back against the wall. His eyes looked resigned. He had no interest in running away. It would be better if he died in this place rather than sitting in prison and wasting his life.

Hisoka thought for a while and said.

"Take him with you. He is an important witness."

Will nodded and released his Xatu.

Hisoka then grabbed Lawrence's collar and lifted him up from the floor.

"What do you want to do?"

"I'm taking you with me."


As Lawrence was struggling to break free, he then felt a sharp pain on the back of his head before he passed out again.

Carrying Lawrence's unconscious body on his shoulders, Hisoka stood next to Gardevoir, followed by Will and Doran. Next, Will asked his Xatu to teleport them away from the airship.

Then, the surrounding air whipped around the room before they all disappeared in a flash of red light.