167: Aerodactyl Changes

Grampa Canyon.

Curious, Hisoka stopped in his tracks. He then went to the thing that caught his eye and picked it up. It was a huge skull and, by the look of it, seemed to be genuine.

While he was engrossed with the strange fossil, a pot-bellied middle-aged man came up to him, a greasy smile plastered across his face.

"Welcome, sir. May I help you?"

"How much is this?"

He asked the man while pointing to the fossilized skull.

"This skull? Ah! I remember it now. This skull is the legendary skull of Entei. I found this fossil back when I was traveling in Hoenn."


Just as the man was spouting out a bunch of nonsense, he cut him off.

"Stop telling me your made-up stories. What I want to know is the price. Tell me now!"

With that, a powerful aura that belonged to a peak Elite Trainer surged out from within his body.

The man just stood there with his legs trembling.

"It's only ten dollars, sir."

He swallowed hard before squeaking out a reply.

"Here you go."

He handed the shopkeeper the money, nodding his head in satisfaction.

"Let me pack it up for you, sir."

Accepting the money, the shopkeeper hurriedly picked up the fossil and went to wrap it up as if he couldn't wait to send him away. Clearly, the shopkeeper was still afraid of what he had done just now.

With Gardevoir's help, he was able to release his aura. Although he couldn't do the Kamehameha like Ash, it was still somewhat useful to suppress a few weak Pokemon.

Aura Guardian was only reserved for the child of destiny, and he wasn't one, unfortunately. So no abracadabra for him. Though, he had heard of a rumor that the oldest champion in the world, Alder, could stun a Pokemon with a single look. Hmmm, Conqueror's Haki was possible? Good to know.

A brief moment later, the shopkeeper returned and handed him a package, which he had already paid for earlier. Putting the package inside his bag, he thanked the man and left the stall, much to the shopkeeper's joy.

After walking around the stalls and finding nothing interesting, he finally made his way to the nature reserve.


"Damn! How did it wake up so fast?"

"Hurry up! Shoot it with your tranquilizer! We can't let it escape. There are many people in this place!"

Inside the Aerodactyl Observatory, a group of well-armed men in black security uniforms rushed toward the Aerodactyl that was trying to climb out of the cage.

Since the change occurred on the Aerodactyl, it was getting increasingly irritable as days passed by. Often, it burst into a fit of rage that needed a lot of people to calm it down.

They quickly raised their guns and aimed at the Aerodactyl. With the pull of the trigger, dozens of tranquilizing darts shot out from the gun barrel. Unfortunately, all of them deflected off its body, much to their horror. They clearly didn't expect its skin to be that tough.

"Take out your Pokemon!"

The captain shouted. After that, he turned to Professor Oak behind him.

"Professor Oak! Professor Elm! You need to leave this place right now."

He said hurriedly.

Professor Oak nodded, "Alright. We will leave now. Come on, Professor Elm. Let's not disturb them."

He called Professor Elm, who was staring at the Aerodactyl with a fascinated look on his face.

Hearing that, Professor Elm couldn't help but feel sad.

"Are we leaving now? It's such an amazing creature. I would love to stay a little longer."


"Okay, let's leave."

And yet, he was the first to leave the observatory as soon as he saw the Aerodactyl send a Tauros flying over their head.

Professor Oak and the other guards also followed suit. As they headed toward the exit, someone suddenly called Professor Oak's name.

(Hisoka's Pov)

Hisoka, who had just entered the reserve, suddenly saw a familiar figure walking toward him, along with a few other people. When he got close, he noticed that it was Professor Oak.

"Professor Oak!"

He called out.

"Oh, it's you, Hisoka."

Professor Oak turned and was a little surprised to see him.

"How are you doing? I heard that you went to the Orange Islands for the hunter exam. How did it go?"

He held out his hand to him.

"The exam was a little difficult, but everything went well."

He replied while shaking Professor Oak's hand.

"Hello, Mr..."

Then, he turned to the thin, bespectacled middle-aged man beside Professor Oak.

"I almost forget. This is Professor Elm from Johto. You should have heard about him before."

Professor Oak introduced the man to him.

"Hello, Professor Elm. I heard a lot about you. Your research on Pokemon evolution is quite enlightening."

He said politely.

"Thank you, Hisoka, and it's nice to meet you."

After introducing themselves to each other, he resumed his talk with Professor Oak.

"Professor Oak, did you just come out from the Aerodactyl Observatory?"


Professor Oak nodded.

"The sudden change in Aerodactyl made the manager worried, so he called us in to check its condition."

"Did you find out anything about it?"

He asked. He was somewhat curious about what they had discovered. After all, this was the first Mega Evolution in the world, aside from Gurkinn's Lucario in Kalos, which by the way, wasn't known yet.

"We found that the Aerodactyl genes are changing as if it was undergoing an evolution. This is an amazing find."

Professor Elm cut in with an excited

As they were talking with each other, an alarm suddenly rang throughout the entire reserve.

"Attention to all people. Aerodactyl had broken out of the observatory. Please leave the reserve now. I repeat. Please leave the reserve now."

The red light on the wall kept flashing as the loudspeaker announcement echoed across the reserve.

"I think Aerodactyl is trying to escape."

Said Professor Oak, his face growing serious.

"Should we check it out?"

Professor Elm suggested.

Without waiting for Professor Oak's response, the security guards behind them immediately stepped forward and stopped them.

"Sorry, professor. You can't go inside. It is too dangerous. We are ordered to escort you outside to ensure your safety first."

They were very worried that something terrible would happen to these two famous professors. Their careers were on the line.

"I'll go."

At this time, he stood up and volunteered to investigate the current situation.

"I'm a gym leader from Dark City. I have a responsibility to make sure that everyone is safe. Please get out of this place first. I will make sure that it doesn't escape."

He said calmly.

"Are you sure?"

Professor Oak turned to him.


After Professor Oak told him to be careful, he left them and quickly ran into the reserve.