Chapter 65

"Who likes to be deemed impotent?" Benson muttered nudging his door open. The baby in his hands clamped down his exploding emotions. 

If some woman didn't decide to be selfishly irresponsible, he wouldn't be n this mess right now. He slowed down when he heard the baby moan. His heart skipped and terror gripped him. No, not again. He wasn't ready for another episode.

He had woken up to an alarm that rang earlier than usual, in fact, he rarely set his alarm at all. He was the boss so, except he needed to make it to work very early, there was no need to rush. No one bosses the boss around.

She cut his sleep short with a loud ear deafening scream. He woke up and just froze. He had no idea what to do. In fact, he had even forgotten everything about the baby.