John conquered the dungeon at the age of 150 years old he is on his knees after beating it and coughs up blood "This body is too old and weakened from this place however I have to finish this" John drags his body into the room of the final boss who smirks and says "Congratulations on making it to me the journey here was dangerous and must have felt impossible but I guarantee it's nothing compared to the foe that stands before you" John says "Really then this is going to be the moment of truth I will overcome you and stand atop this place" John and the final boss clashed. The final boss was right, the previous hardships of the 200 million floors were nothing compared to the enemy that it was, however John still came out on top. John is on his knees drenched in his blood and the blood of his enemy. The fight was absolutely brutal as the monster relentlessly slashed at John all of his resistances were overwhelmed and useless he was a punching bag however overtime his defenses and resistances overcame the might of the monster until eventually became invincible against the monster and than the fight turned into John killing the monster while it's attacks were useless all of it's desperate last attacks were useless as John ruthlessly killed it. John smirks and says "Yeah I won" John sees a lone man blocking his path from standing atop the dungeon. John says "Who are you?" The lone man says "The world is in danger you need to save it" John says "I'm about to die so I can't save anyone" The lone man cuts off John's arm with a mythical sword rumored to have been used to kill Gods.