The lone man also had penetration weapons of the same level they are using to attack John. John was growing stronger with each blow; his fight through fatal conditions was also improving with each blow. He then awakened an ability that would allow him to fight while elderly and in infancy rendering age issues an issue of the past in battle. This ability improved along with the rest before long it evolved to an extent where John could unleash his abilities while at such an elderly age and eventually evolved to an extent where he could battle as though he were young again his never give up ability turned into one where he was at half of his ability while fighting in such critical situations. John's regeneration could regenerate entire limbs and half of his body in a half hour his full body was two hours it would take him a day to regenerate from being reduced to atoms however the exhaustion cost of regeneration was ridiculously large as a result his energy was growing in vastness each time he used it and his energy recovery was improving so was his recovery rate healing rate he was improving with each blow. Eventually he was back to his prime in the age restriction remover ability and his never give up ability brought him to his top condition while fighting to survive. John eventually became able to regenerate half of his body in ten minutes. His energy was growing to compensate and his recovery rate was also improving to compensate. Every last attack of John's was useless against the armour of the Lone man. The battle was completely one sided as John was unable to strike back and was torn to pieces by the Lone man.