Using the rooftops, Leo can travel through the city far quicker than on foot since he's able to go in a straight line to his destination.
Unfortunately, not everyone is capable of traveling this way. The man Leo saved from the cultists was in no way capable of such a thing.
'I don't want to waste time and risk another confrontation by using the city streets and walking...guess I don't have a choice then.'
Leo knelt down facing away from the man "Climb on."
"On your back? That would be disrespectful to someone like you, I couldn't possibly..."
"If you have my permission then it's fine, just do it." Leo interrupted the man.
Reluctantly, the man climbed onto Leo's back and held on tight once he was told what they would be doing.
Traveling this way allowed them to reach the graveyard quickly. Leo placed the man down and lead him to the underground bunker that the Duke showed him.