8 - Captain Rogers

(For a recap, reread chapter 1)

Marianne...whenever I'm reminded of her, my heart breaks a little more. And this Alice calling her "Marion" only makes it worse. Although, this time, I know Marianne is alive.

That day I saw her on her ship, I could only laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation at first. But my emotions quickly got a hold.

Marianne looked at me, and I looked back after I asked how she managed to accomplish such a journey.

She placed her gun on a barrel and pointed it away. "You told me to learn how to follow the stars and teach you."

I couldn't handle it. Like no time had passed, I strode to her and took her in my arms, kissing her like I hadn't breathed in all this time. I thought she was dead, and that memory and relief started to leak down my cheeks. I felt her good arm wrap around me and pull me close.

Finally breaking away, I placed my forehead to hers and rubbed one of our tears out from under her eye. "I thought you were dead."

She looked up at me with sad laughter in her blue eyes. "You know me better than that."

"I shall never doubt you again."

I nodded toward her missing hand. "What are you going to do about-"

She lifted it and looked at it with a bored expression. "I'm not so sure yet. Not so uncommon, you know. Losing things on the sea. It was about time my time came."

"I'm just glad I didn't lose you."

She smiled up at me, melting me. I'd completely forgotten why I came. It was her who reminded me. "I know what you're here for. In fact, it's why I plundered as much as I did. I knew I'd draw you out eventually."

I laughed. "You did not."

"I did. I missed you. All these years, I've missed you. And before you ask. No, I never stole from the poor. I'd never dream of it. In fact, I was hoping you'd--"

I kissed her forehead. "You need not even ask."

"Come with me," she said, pulling me toward the ladder. "I want to show you something."

Suddenly, she was just who I remembered. The woman who can jump on a table and dance to anything. Excited for adventure. I was glad to see that she'd never lost that.

Something poked at me though. Something that screamed that this was wrong. Too easy. Marianne. Captain Rogers, the feared pirate.

"Wait," I said, pulling her hand back.

She tilts her head.

"I saw that a woman named Anne was exiled a year before Pearl was destroyed. She was exiled in the company of a child."

Marianne's eyes briefly flicked away from mine. "That was me," she confirmed. "I was exiled."

"There's only one reason an unmarried woman would be exiled like that," I said."You were exiled ten months after I left."

Her eyes darkened. "Robin--"

"Tell me the truth, Marianne. Please. If I had known..."

"Two reasons. There are two reasons an unmarried woman would be exiled. I adopted the girl after her father was executed."

My heart unclenched in relief, but there was still something bothering me. I wasn't certain Marianne was telling me the entire truth. I've never been good at telling if someone is lying. "What was the other reason?"

"Being Neville's daughter. That's the short story. We'll have plenty of time to catch up, Robin. For now, come on. I've waited years for this."

For having one hand, Marianne was already adept at getting up the ladder alone. She was who helped me up out of the cellar rather than I'd been planning.

"Come for a moment. I need to get changed."

She opened the double doors to her chamber and threw off her nightgown. I leaned against the doorway, admiring her. "No need to put clothes back on if that's what you wanted to show me."

Marianne smirked. "Down, girl. I'm looking for--"

"Oh, shut it," I said, crossing the room and wrapping my arms around her bare waist from behind. "I never thought I'd be able to do this again." My words were muffled in her curly hair, which I pushed aside to nibble on her earlobe.

She sighed and leaned back into me, turning to kiss me, completely forgetting what she was looking for. I fingered one of her nipples until it became hard before moving to the next one.

My other hand was impatient and swiftly moving in between her legs. As soon as my fingers reached their destination, she parted her legs for me to reach. Normally, I'd want to draw this out, but I'd just found out she was alive, and I wanted her to show me just how alive she was.

As soon as I started rubbing her clit she moaned loudly and grabbed the back of my head to bring herself closer. I closed my eyes and listened to her, smelling her sea-salt hair that wasn't as soft as it once was, but slightly dry from her days of being sprayed by the sea water. It was nearly enough to throw me over the edge without even touching her.

Her breaths grew faster, and I didn't relent, instead holding her tighter.

"Robin," she gasped, "If you don't stop, I'll..."

"Why would you want me to do that?"

Her answer was in how her legs began trembling in the second before she bubbled over, completely unraveling in my arms. I kept her close, not letting her go for anything until finally, she was left panting.

"Oh, you," she whispered. "Come here."

She pulled me over to her bed and quickly straddled me, leaning down to kiss me as she pulled my leggings down and pushed me into her.

We both moaned, but she'd barely started moving when I exploded, grabbing her and kissing her. After I finished, I released her. "I'm sor--"

She erupted into a fit of giggles. "You missed me too, didn't you?"

Rolling to my side, she gazed up at me. "I haven't been with anyone since you. So..."

"You're not serious?" she said, violet eyes wide. "How did you manage that?"

Pulling her in and kissing her hair, I said, "Let me guess. You've--"

Leaning on an elbow, she explained, "Of course I have! But I always pretended they were you." A mischievous spark went through her eyes. "Are you jealous?"

"Of course not!" Maybe a little. "You're free to be with anyone, Marianne. I never claimed you."

She brushed my hair out of my face. "You did, Robin. All of this was for you. Even if I sometimes enjoyed the bodies of others, my heart always craved yours."

I pulled her toward me. I never wanted to let her go again and regretted it the first time. But it was always her decision, even if it broke my heart. I understood even if I was angry. "Now, love, what is it you want to show me?"

Her face brightened so much I thought the day had passed and it was morning. She hopped up and went to her closet, pulling out black trousers, a white shirt with puffy sleeves and a long fluffy collar, and a red, velvet coat embossed in gold thread. Then, she put on a triangular hat that was far more ornate than was practical. But she looked like she belonged in it. I didn't dare offer to help her even though it seemed she was still getting used to dressing with one hand.

I knew Marianne enough to know she'd be upset, so I simply watched her, admiring the curls of her hair and the curve of her shoulders under the red velvet. I imagined "Captain Rogers" to be a tall, burly monster, but she turned out to be the woman I've been looking for for my entire life.

Or at least until she left me.