Chapter 22 A Battle of Heart and Soul

Gabe stood tall over Billy's lifeless body, the sun began to rise, but once it had Gabe collapsed right next to Billy. 'Damn it, I must have used too much energy with that attack.' Gabe was out of breath, but he was happy that he won that fight. "You beat me, kid…" Gabe was shocked. 'HE IS STILL CONSCIOUS!?' Billy didn't turn his head, he just looked up. "It's alright Gabe, don't be scared that I'm awake. I'm essentially weakened at the moment and don't have the strength to fight." Gabe was somewhat relieved after hearing that. "So, you beat me, fair and square. How do you feel now that you've won a fight against someone who has a reputation as the devil?" Gabe thought about that question for a bit, he then answered. "Well, after getting to know you through this battle and the person you are. I don't really see you like a devil." Billy turned his head to Billy with shock in his eyes. "In fact, if I continue to be a bounty hunter after this fight, I'm kind of glad I fought someone as noble, honorable, and kind as you." Billy continued to listen. "I think you have great ideals and those issues you said definitely are a problem in our world, but I wouldn't go about doing that the way you thought of." Billy then stopped looking at Gabe and looked back up at the sky. "Then tell me once again, how would you liberate the people and create a better west to live in?" Gabe tried to think, but he couldn't think of a straight answer. He knew that true peace was basically impossible any other way, but then, it hit him. "Have you ever heard of Watersville?" Billy turned to Gabe confused again. "It's a beautiful town that is far away in the west, there are nice people, a stable government who protects its people, and it's just an overall paradise." Billy wondered. "Why are you telling me this Gabe?" Gabe answered. "Because, the founder of Watersville was a kind, smart, and gentle man. He believed the same things you did, so instead of attacking the government, he liberated many people who suffered from the government and created a town where they do not have to fear the government." Billy was shocked after hearing this, a town where his ideals exist? "So? What does this story have to do with your plan?" Gabe explained. "I believe there is someone out there like this kind man, someone who wants to help and liberate the people, someone with the power and resources and kindness in their heart to do the right thing, someone who wants to do what you want but not hurt anyone." Billy listened. "My idea is to find this person, no matter how long it takes, and they will rescue the people from this government's tyranny." Billy then looked at the sky, thinking about Gabe's answer. 'Could that really be possible?' Billy then looked back in his life with the words of another person echoing through his head. "Big Brother? What's your dream?" A little boy asked. "My dream is to save the people in this world from the corrupt government! By any means necessary!" The little boy smiled after hearing this. "I don't care about the costs it will take, all I want is for the people to be safe." After remembering that moment, Billy decided something. "Gabe, I believe your answer is better than my own." Gabe listened. "Which is why I am going to leave you to find this person." Gabe smiled after hearing this. "I was originally going to be that person for you, but then I realized after the events that transpired, I have far too much hatred in my heart. Too much to be the person you envision." Billy didn't smile again for the first time in forever. "Which is why I am going to turn myself into the government." Gabe was shocked. "NO! YOU'LL BE KILLED!" Billy looked as if he didn't care. "I deserve a serious punishment for my unthinkable actions, and I want to do this Gabe. Do you understand?" Gabe looked unsure, but he nodded. "Just do me one last favor." Gabe was confused. "Take Casity with you." Billy lifted his finger slightly with the little strength he had left and pointed to the unconscious Casity who was taken out by Leroy. "Why? Isn't she one of your comrades?" Billy nodded. "She is, I saved her as a child and raised her to believe in my ideals. Only now do I realize what a mistake I made doing that, forcing my own ideals on an impressionable child." Gabe looked at Casity with sadness. "She believes in the same thing I do, true peace. I'm sure if you asked her to come along to find this person you are looking for, after a long explanation, then she will surely come with you." Gabe said nothing. "Promise me you will keep her safe." Gabe turned to Billy with a smile on his face. "I promise, I will die for Casity and make sure she lives to find the person she is looking for." Billy smiled once again with that grin on his face. 'I'm happy once again, the future is safe in this boy's hands. At Least I hope it is, I'm counting on you, Gabe.'

A small army of officers entered Gavin D.C on horses, they were the same soldiers that left to go battle Billy's nonexistent army. It turns out that Leroy had sent them a messenger hawk after he read the letter from David and informed the army to come back and it was a trick, which they did. They helped out by going through the debris and finding the soldiers that survived the attack, along with arresting Billy's men that survived by putting special cuffs on their hands that blocked Witchcraft powers. The soldiers also saved Leroy and Mark and took them to the hospital with all the survivors shortly after. The soldiers were about to arrest Gabe, but a witness said they saw Gabe defeat Billy and save everyone by doing so. They were also about to arrest Casity, but Gabe claimed she was with Gabe and not to be arrested, so the soldiers agreed. Billy was arrested for his many crimes and he didn't put up a fight as he felt that he deserved it, putting all his hope into Gabe for the future of mankind.

Meanwhile, the officers looked for Grand Leader Swan, and as it turns out he came out of a secret trap door that was hidden under rubble and was perfectly fine. "Officers, I am fine, so don't worry about me." He still had the most unemotional face on him. "Sir, as it turns out, the city survived because of a small boy." This caught the attention of Swan. "Excuse me?" The officer panicked. "If I'm not mistaken, the city was saved because of the surviving officers who will be medaled right? Not a stupid child who isn't part of the government." The officers nodded reluctantly. "How many times have I told you, men, the government can't be shown up by anyone. If the people realize that one of the most notorious criminals of all time was defeated by a criminal, the people would lose all faith in us." Once again the officers reluctantly agreed. "Inform them immediately in hospital of the conditions, and they also must be told that they will get out of town soon or they will be arrested and publicly executed." The officers nodded and went off. Swan kept the same emotionless grin on him as he looked at the battlefield. "Billy the kid was defeated by a mere child?" Swan looked at the battlefield like he was thinking.

Meanwhile, Gabe woke up in a small house covered in bandages with 3 beds next to him. In those beds were Leroy, Mark, and Casity who were also covered in bandages. He looked at Casity who was still unconscious, he still wondered how he could convince her that he was on her side. "Hey, hero," Leroy said as he was already awake, looking at Gabe with a smile. "Don't call me that, I didn't do anything." Leroy chuckled. "You defeated one of the most dangerous crime bosses in the West, you deserve all the credit for this one." Gabe smiled. "I guess I should, but in a way, I understood him in the end." Leroy looked confused. "He tried to kill you? What do you mean you understood him?" Gabe thought about it. "Well look at what he said he would do, he had good intentions but went too far with them. In a way though, I still feel for the guy." Leroy looked like he sort of understood Gabe, he then noticed Mark was still unconscious, but he also saw Casity. "WHAT'S SHE DOING HERE!? AW!" It hurt Leroy to yell. "I made a promise with Billy that I would keep her safe from any harm until I can fulfill my promise to him, so she's coming with us." Leroy was confused. "What promise? Also who said you could bring her?" Gabe looked at Leroy in the eyes with a serious expression. "I did, also I made a promise that I will find someone who wants to be the next first sheriff." Leroy still was confused, he needed a lot of explanation. Just before Gabe could explain, an officer came marching in. "Hello Young Gabe," he said, Gabe shyly smiled. "We are here to deliver a message to you straight from Grand Leader Swan himself." Gabe was surprised, he didn't think he would get this kind of recognition. "Grand Leader Swan's orders were that once all four of you get better, then you must leave Gavin D.C at once." Gabe and Leroy were confused. "Excuse me? This kid just saved your city's ass and the way you thank him is by kicking him out?!" The officer tried to show no emotion as he was on duty, but they felt extremely sorry for what he was currently saying. "If you do not leave the city once your wounds have healed, then you will be arrested and publicly executed for your crimes of being bounty hunters." Leroy shut up once he heard that. "I hope your wounds heal soon and hope to see you shortly." He bowed and left the room. "Dammit, it's the government. If they feel threatened in any way, then they will do anything it takes to stay in power." Leroy said, sounding angry. Just as Leroy said that the officer actually heard him outside the room, he decided he should make things right. The officer entered the room again, making Leroy panic as he thought the officer heard what he just said. "Actually, I'm not just here to give you the message from the Grand Leader." Leroy and Gabe looked confused. "I also want to speak on behalf of the citizens, the officers who survived, and the soldiers that returned who did not have to endure battle." The man then bowed, which surprised Gabe and Leroy. "Thank You Very much Gabriel for your service! You are a true hero in many people's eyes." After hearing this, Gabe smiled. The officer was still bowing, which made Gabe uncomfortable. "Thank you very much for your kind words, but I don't want to be called a hero." The officer looked confused as he looked up at Gabe. "What do you mean? You saved everyone, you fought to risk your own life, you battled against a foe that nobody would ever dream of beating in a one-on-one fight." Gabe was sweating and smiling. "Well you see, the way I see it. There are no such things as heroes in a world like this." The officer was confused by those words. "There are only people who do small things, and I'm just one of those people who did a small thing." The officer was surprised by this response. "Once again thank you for your kind words, but I cannot accept that title." The officer then smiled with a salute. "Yes!" He then left the room with a smile on his face. As it turns out, Casity was awake during all of this, she had woken up before Leroy and Gabe and was going to escape with a sneak attack, but instead, she listened to Gabe and decided to not attack.