Ariana watched Carter open beers and pass them around before bringing his own to his lips. He only planned to drink two. He wasn't in the mood to get drunk like Emily was. He sighed and sat back on the couch after grabbing a slice of pizza.
"Mm! Look what I found." Emily set her beer down to hold out the paper with the drawing on it. "Is it cute? Do you remember doing this?"
Carter took the drawing from her and looked it over. He smirked and laughed. "I do. God, we haven't played that game in ages."
"We should play!" Emily became excited as she took a bite of her pizza.
"Alright." Carter shrugged as she put her pizza in her mouth and walked over to grab the game. "You really are still like a little kid, aren't you?"
"I beg your pardon, Sir. I am a full grown woman. Who loves pizza and a good game." Emily tacked on the end and giggled as she brought the old game over.