Chapter 218: Rings

Ariana smiled at the kids, as they ate breakfast with their father. Carter was busy being silly with them, tossing grapes up to catch them into his mouth. The kids took turns tossing grapes at Carter, while they giggled loudly. Ariana shook her head and walked over to sit down a cup of coffee in front of Carter.

"Alright, enough playing with your food. Eat, please." Ariana giggled and sat down to join them.

"Do we have to go to school today," Josh whined.

"Yeah, I don't want to go..." Emily poked at her pancakes with her fork.

"Yes, it's important, and you always end up having fun. Plus, you get to see your friends." Ariana smiled and began to eat.

"It is very important. Summer is soon, anyway. Then you'll have tons of free time." Carter smiled and ruffled his son's hair. "It'll be over fast."

"Not fast enough," Josh mumbled.

Carter laughed and nodded, "I was just like you. Trust me, it's worth it in the end. Just gotta get through it."