Chapter 53: Adrenaline Part 4

Reid assumes the center position in the overcrowded hovel.

The Rogues, Sampson, Vix, Pratt, Clark and Griffin wait in silence as Reid motions me to the middle with him. When I join him, he clamps his hand in mine, threading our fingers together. "Fallon is leading us."

"Where exactly are we going?" Clark asks.

"For those of you who have not heard, last night, when Fallon went missing, she was not taken by the Kings as we thought. She left," he stresses, "she ventured out here - beyond here - and found the truth of what the Dofinikes are doing."

Everyone's focus shifts to me, a thousand questions bubbling in their nonplussed gazes. Reid is about to explain further, answering a few of the most obvious questions but I beat him to it, stepping in front of him to address the group.