Chapter 55: Blovid's Help Part 2

Sampson nods, locking eyes with Reid who's quick to dismiss the Rogues. They start back the way we came, everyone filing away silently. I glance back at Raj. How can I leave her like this? Out here, mutilated, unable to escape?

"Come on," Reid tugs.

We head back to Camp in near silence, except for a few unsettling coughs and a quiet, but endless bellowing from Griffin. Once we reach the trunk, I make for Sampson, narrowing my eyes. "You said I'm partially right? How?"

"Yes. I've confirmed with Blovid..." Sampson takes a moment, "...they're attempts at reanimation."

I'm about to say something but shut my mouth immediately. There's only one word I can form. "Reanimation?"