Chapter 61: Protection Part 2

It lunges for me.

Bracing myself for the impact, it never comes. A darkened figure flies out from the right, knocking the King to the ground with swift, sharp blows. The King is down but the figure is already taking on another, offering the same lethal jabs. I back up, just as a third body emerges from the left, taking off for me in a dead run.

My arm is yanked back, Tucker's voice at my ear. "It's me."

Before I'm able to respond, he pushes me behind him as the King collides with him, the two throwing swings. The King is desperately trying to get at me. He hurls all his weight into charging Tucker but the Rogue leader keeps his body a solid, impenetrable wall that blocks mine.

I'm not sure which way to go. Stay by Tucker or get as far away as possible since the King seems to be slipping from him? Bolting, I run into the darkness, wishing there was more of a plan, wishing we'd discussed it a little further.

Which way to go?