Chapter 64: Rogue Rox Part 2

"Stand them up," he orders, his eyes unwavering.

Tucker and Chief both yank their hostages from the ground. Unlike the others, Mantis and Grisham's ties aren't connected behind their backs. They're dragged along by their ankle restraints and quickly propped to their feet, wrists cuffed at their front.

Reid has them face their Clan.

Mantis and Grisham take in the grisly scene but if it has any affect on them, they don't show it. Both Kings remains stoic, as if Reid were wasting their time, as if they had other things they could be doing.

"Regrettably for you," he looks at his two captures, both unable to speak due to the bundle of cloth jammed in their mouths, "you've lost."

Mantis glares through sharpened slits as Reid passes, but then shifts focus to me, his fury rising. As if it's my fault he's here. As if he didn't start this himself that day when he struck me. His stare sends a shiver down my spine until his head is knocked to the side with a violent blow.