Chapter 66: Revolt Part 1

It's almost time.

The bell to dismiss us from Rebuilding is about to blare and I've been waiting all day to hear it - the last time we'll be ever be dismissed. Even with the Kings gone, Reid had Able escort me for the day. It was like watching the dead walk with some of the looks I got once I emerged outside. Fallon's still alive? She hasn't been seen for days! Hour after hour and the stares didn't stop. I wouldn't mind so much if I didn't already feel exposed knowing what we're planning for tonight. Everyone thinks this is just another day at Rebuilding and that they'll be coming back tomorrow. Assuming everything goes smoothly - and we all don't die terribly, of course - they won't.

Maybe I should've pushed Reid for more information on what we're doing. All he said was stay nearby. How do I prepare with that?


This is it.