Chapter 69: Reminders Part 2

"Fallon!" Reid calls.

The sound of my name forces me to look up. When I do, I find Sampson and Jothkore standing ahead, amongst a pile of fallen scientists. The Vermix moan on the ground where they lay injured. A few yelp while the quieter ones try to pull themselves away unnoticed. Jothkore's quick to trash that thought, dragging them back to the center with the others.

"Are you okay?" Reid joins my side, cupping the back of my head and shifting me toward him.


"We secure?" he gestures to Jothkore who's dragging a fleeing scientist back to their heap of custard coats.

Sampson nods. "And your end?"

"Tying things up as we speak. But we need to get moving."

"What's the time check?" I ask.