Chapter 78: The Second Battle of Harrizel Part 1

Beshib hasn't returned for two days but Sampson doesn't seem fazed by it. He has us training from morning to evening and mostly everyone in the Castle is finally participating. There are a few, of course, simply unwilling to get out of bed but Sampson says they probably wouldn't be of much help anyway. We're doing everything we need to be doing so when the time comes, we'll be prepared.

It's mid-afternoon and I've been practicing with a Chaisle for a while, lost in thought. Swallowing the Reid pill is hard enough, but knowing I don't have Granny Ruth is killing me. I want to talk to her about everything, everything that has happened and everything we're planning on doing. What would she say? Would she be proud? The image of her body flashes through my mind and I feel like crying. No, she wouldn't want me to weep. She'd want me to be strong. She'd want me to win this - for her.