Chapter 84: Departures Part 2

Evening turns into night quickly. We collectively agree to retire and start again in the morning, after everyone's rested and has a clear head. Tomorrow we'll do a body count and figure out what's what. I head to the Bathing Bubble and stay longer than I should, partly afraid to leave. The protection of it, the warmth - all gone the second I step out. But after a while, my body's exhaustion over rides it's need for physical comfort and I finally leave, heading for my bunker again.

Many have chosen not to sleep in their rooms, a testament to their new found freedom. They stay with others in their bunkers or, as most are, down in the Auditorium, like its one massive sleepover. I'm not in the mood to be with anyone and even though my room has been my prison cell here this whole time, it's still mine. Heading down the corridor for my bunk, I stop.