Chapter 89: Qippert Part 3

Bile instantly rises as I push her behind me.

Pieces of flesh lay strewn across the sand, staining it with specks of dried crimson. The body itself is mostly a skeleton although a few gobs of fat and skin still remain in some places. All the organs are gone and both eyes have been plucked free.

"Arizal or Vermix?" Clarence asks behind me.

"Vermix," Qippert answers immediately. "There are no other Arizal Dofinikes currently on Mybyncia. Except for the three of us," he frowns. "Where is Vix?"

"We're not sure," Sampson moves past Pratt and I, heading to investigate the corpse. "She wasn't accounted for after Beshib's attack. I can't hear her," he bends down, scanning the chewed snout. "She could be anywhere."

"Surely she would seek you out if she could," Qippert steps closer.

"Yes, which leads me to believe she cannot," he looks up with a sad sigh. "She's being held somewhere. I have a few ideas where that might be and I mean to seek her out at the next available opportunity."