Chapter 103: Food and Facts Part 3

The attendants return with bowls of pink mush, broken into tiny cubes. The bowls are filled, nearly to the brim with the soggy pieces.

"I want to apologize for Perio," Princess Ariana blurts out, "and for what happened."

"Ariana, there is no need..." the queen starts.

"There is," she gulps, eyeing all of us, especially Pratt. With a heavy inhale, her mouth turns down in an apologetic frown. "There is nothing to say that can excuse his behavior. Perio is... radical."

"Tell me about it..." Jace mutters next to me.

"He feels justified in everything he does." The princess turns to her mother. "He thinks you are turning your back on Mybyncia."

"He can think what he likes. Once he sits on the throne, he can make his own decisions about what is best for Mybyncia."

"Let's hope that never happens," Clarence says.

"I do not see how it can, as he is under our control in one of the cells below."