Chapter 109: Interrogation Part 3

Maris, Salva and the rest of the guards help the princess down while Sampson and Clarence offer me their hands. I take them both in mine and find myself planted firmly on the ground, Sampson grasping my shoulders to face him.

"How'd everything go?" he looks over me, searching for any injuries. "Are you both unharmed?"

"We are fine," Ariana walks over, her fleet of guards following. "But I am disappointed to report we learned very little."

"We did not expect he would reveal much," Chancellor Keller says, "even to you, Princess."

"He really does hate everyone who's not Mybyncian," I look to Qippert. "Called us a plague."

"Did you speak with him?" he frowns.

"How did he phrase it?" Clarence asks before I'm able to answer. "Did he call you a plague? Everyone a plague?"

I run through the conversation, making sure I transmit it correctly. "He called me a plague and then..." I glance to Ariana, "he said he's the only one to save the princess from the plague to come."