Chapter 126: Options Part 4

Reid leans in closer. "Hi."


He reads my face, a sudden frown emerging. "What's wrong?"

"You having a good time?"

His brows sink further. "What do you mean?"

"Something had to be funny with all that giggling."

His adorable smirk works itself back into place, igniting the familiar fire within. Nodding, he runs his tongue over his bottom lip as he glances back toward Tucker still in conversation with the attendants, a sour-faced Mallup watching us with an intense glare.

"Come here," he takes my face in his hands, sliding them down my neck as he pulls my lips to his. I'm lit up, everything else fading away at his touch. Gently pulling back, he mumbles against my mouth, "I wanted her to see this."


"That I'm yours."

"Good," I whisper back as he lightly kisses me again. I close my eyes, lost in this moment of heat and heartbeats and the heavy aching growing within me.

Finally, Reid slowly withdraws, his hands dropping from my neck. "Maybe she'll get the hint now."