Chapter 131: Ellae Part 2

Once Sampson leaves, Mae turns to me with a frown.

"You should've seen him, Fallon. When he carried you in... he had this look on his face..." she gathers her thoughts. "And then he wouldn't leave you. What happened when you woke up?"

I inhale, my chest tightening at the memory of his red eyes. "He was upset. Then he just left. Said he'd be right back, but..." I look to the door.

"He probably just needed a minute."

"Yeah, but why'd he need to go? He could've stayed."

Mae shrugs. "He wouldn't talk to anyone all day. He just sat by your side, waiting for you to wake up."

"And the second I do, he leaves?"

"Ay - you're up!" Jace grins, standing in the doorway. "We missed you at dinner - or, I guess, drinks."

Tucker, Booker, Werzo and Pratt pile into the room after him, followed quickly by Clarence and Qippert.

"Welcome back," Tucker smiles. "You had us worried."

"You had Boss worried. We knew you'd pull through," Jace laughs, glancing around the room. "Speaking of..."