Chapter 133: Consequences Part 1

"Rise and shine, kiddies," Clarence says. "Time for breakfast with the queen."

I rub my eyes, wiping the sleep free. Warm breath rushes down my neck and it takes me a second to remember last night, when Reid crawled into bed with me. A hot flutter invades my belly when I realize he's wrapped himself around me, squeezing my body like a vise. He exhales and when I glance back, I find him with both eyes still shut, a look of serenity on his smiling lips.

"Hey..." I whisper, turning in his hold. "Reid..."



"Baby..." he murmurs, gripping me tighter.

My heart skips, my chest constricting with the same wonderful ache from yesterday. I gaze down at his face, still so deep in sleep and serenity. Quietly I lean in, kissing the tip of his nose. "Reid," I whisper. "Time to get up."

His eyes dart open, flickering around, searching. When he sees me, he relaxes into a comforting smile. "Morning."
