Chapter 148: Three Tasks Part 2

But it's Able who shows up a minute later, confusion marring his face. "Not good?"

"Nope," I shake my head, staring off to the distant mountain where Tucker is busily climbing away. "You?"

"Walker doesn't understand why he should have to stay away from you if you're just friends. Says he hasn't made a pass at you and that Rox is crazy."

Another long minute goes by before I ask the question that's burning through my mind. "Do you think he wants to?"


"Make a pass at me?"

"Honestly?" Able shrugs, still looking off into the distance. "I think he doesn't want to live in fear of Rox's authority anymore. I think... this is a new time. And he wants to start fresh."

"Reid won't have it."

"He doesn't care. And he'll still do what he wants," he glances over me, considering, "but yeah, I think he does."


"Walker. I think he's going to try and make a pass at you."

"To antagonize Reid?"