Chapter 153: Return Part 1

This is fun, isn't it? Clarence's voice rings in my mind, his closed mouth set in a wide grin. The purple smoke billows around his face as everyone glances at each other, all floating heads in the blurring lavender background.

It definitely beats waiting around an airport.

Clarence's eyes find mine. Don't think I've had the pleasure.

That's because it's not, Reid's voice echoes. Consider yourself lucky.

Clarence frowns. Hmm... I'll remember that.

So we're going to Mybyncia? Able looks between myself, Reid and Clarence.

Yes, Clarence's voice answers. The rest of you will have to get him situated. We won't be there for very long, but he'll need help with the Stancimis and geography of the FH.

What's a Stancimis?

Reid's laugh echoes in my head. You'll find out.