Chapter 172: Reunion Part 2

The girls follow right behind us and Walker, just after them. We walk in silence and reach the king's home quickly, finding the massive dwelling in the city center. It's as big as I remember it - maybe bigger - with a wider curtain to shield the long entryway. Dropping his arm, Reid reaches for my hand and squeezes it. Pulling back the red curtain, he enters first. I'm right behind him and the others follow us in. Everyone is already here: all Rogues except Able, the six Dofinikes in human form, King Hozfin and Warze, his second in command. The king's home is about five times the size of mine but with everyone in here, it's still a tight squeeze.

"Fallon," Sampson peeks over the others. At my name, all conversation stops and the Rogues along with everyone else in the king's home looks at me, surprise and relief in their eyes. "There you are. Would you mind joining us up here?"