Chapter 169: Revelation Part 2

"What happened to it?" I ask.

"They took it - hid it somewhere on Dellapalania or one of her moons. They said they would return it at the time it was needed, to the one who could handle using it."

"Who?" I glance around the Dofinikes.

"No one knows," Qippert shrugs, moving further into the very tight space. "And that was the last we saw of them."

"Or of it," Sampson says.

"We are the only World that lost our Gift," Blovid frowns, a tinge of guilt and melancholy reflecting in his tone. "It is why Mybyncia and Nerwolix protect theirs so scrupulously. No one except their Leaders know the Gift's whereabouts. They fear the same will happen."

"But Reuzkimpart will do what he must to locate them," Clarence places the bowl of Vilbrees on the floor next to the bed. "He believes the fate of the Dofinikes rests in it. It is an act of pure survival, and he will bring war on the Worlds to do it."