Chapter 178: Clash Part 2

Pratt screams, followed quickly by Mae and I don't have time to think. I'm knocked out of the way as two tangled Ludins crash into the treetop above, clawing at each other with long, gray talons. Their enormous golden wings flap low, whipping through the trees and causing debris to fall, showering splintered branches and broken Yulus around us like a fiery hail storm.

"We have to get out of here!" Walker calls as the wrestling Ludins tumble even lower in the canopy. "Now!"

"Go!" Reid orders, gesturing for the tunnel in the mountain. He pulls me from the ground and threads his fingers in mine with a hard squeeze.

"B-but - " Mae stammers as a solid branch crashes in front of her. Pratt jumps over it, followed quickly by Tucker and Werzo. Frozen, she stands in complete shock, staring at the log as debris falls around her.

"Come on!" Able yanks her over.